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why am i SO SCARED??

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why is that i am so scared to acutally fall in love with my boyfriend...it is even hard for me to write "boyfriend" because that would mean that i am actually admitting i am with somebody!


This is so hard for me to do... he loves me SO much and i know i love him, but i am scared to actually admit this to him and esp. to myself!

Apart of me does not want to let myself go and end up either too happy, or too heartbroken in the end.


i push myself and others away all the time, i dont know what to do.

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why is that i am so scared to acutally fall in love with my boyfriend...it is even hard for me to write "boyfriend" because that would mean that i am actually admitting i am with somebody!


This is so hard for me to do... he loves me SO much and i know i love him, but i am scared to actually admit this to him and esp. to myself!

Apart of me does not want to let myself go and end up either too happy, or too heartbroken in the end.


i push myself and others away all the time, i dont know what to do.


Maybe because you are not ready. There is no timeline for these things. You say it when you feel comfortable.


Take your time and feel things out.

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what does that mean nemo?


i really truly do care for him and he is the first guy out of many that i have opened up to as much as i did now.


don't i love him? or do ?

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what does that mean nemo?


i really truly do care for him and he is the first guy out of many that i have opened up to as much as i did now.


don't i love him? or do ?


Why the rush? Why can't you just let it happen?

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I think you are just trying to protect yourself. maybe you have been in a situation before where you let you self open up and became vulnerable to another person and you ended up heart broken, or perhaps you have had men open up to you and eventually you ended up hurting them, and seeing that, too, is just as hard.


it took me a long time to understand what it means to open up to someone, making yourself entirely vulnerable... yes, this can bring you to the heights of happiness, but it does indeed come with a risk...

maybe you are not the risk-taking kind, and keeping things safe, kind of middle of the road is just easier for you.


i think you should just examine whether or not you are ready to really put yourself out there, knowing the rewards of doing so, but being mindful of the risks. if you are "in love" with this guy, i say it is worth the risk. if your heart isn't 100%, i wouldn't blame you for wanting to protect yourself.

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it's hard for me to see how in love he is with me, and how much he opens up himself for me... we argue a lot about why i am not like that. he blames himself and wonders if its him.


when i was beginning to date him about 3 yrs back.. i ended up breaking his heart in a major way.. and now since we seem more official i am scared to do it again.


i dont know whats wrong with me.


i think in life everybody had or should go through heartbreak in order to grow as a person. ?

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Ninegirl, I can completely understand where your coming from on this one. Your scared to admit being in love with him in case it all goes wrong and he ends up leaving you or hurting you. I wonder, have you been hurt in past relationships? I get these feelings where your too scared to get close to anybody because your afriad and then you end up pushing the person away. Firstly, take a dep breath and have a cup of tea(works for most things). You have to think that if it is going to go wrong, then it will go wrong whether you worry about it or not so whats the point of working yourself up into a frenzy about it. Just take it as it comes. Saying 'I Love You' is only three little words and i have recently discovered that you don't need to say or hear i love you all the time to know you are truly loved. SAy it when your ready and just enjoy every moment being with someone who means so much to you x

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