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friendship into love!

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some 4 years back i got intimate with a guy it was a long distance relationship and lasted for 3 years ,but due to family problems and all we ended up seperating.Meanwhile i had this friend ,a classmate who was always with me and had a crush on me from the very begining ,he sent me letters and proposed .I always stayed close to him as a friend but told him i was into a long distance relationship with somebody.He accepted the fact but stayed with me.

When i broke up he was still with me ..he never went away and supported me in everything.I was completely divastated and needed support ,and he was what gave me strength to stand up again,being there every minute. As a consequence i got really close to him and started liking him a lot more..i cared for him,loved him and did everything i could for him.His nature is not in complete repo with me,though we fight argue and come back somehow,but still there are many things that donot match,but i have sortof accepted them,...and same goes for him.

We have decided that we'll marry after sometime...but i am still unsure if it is Love or is it just that i was so into depression that cause he supported me every moment i fell for him.I am too confused.

please help and tell me if i am taking a wrong step.

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You are not obligated to marry somebody just because they were there for you. If you are not absolutely sure this is the man you want to marry, then don't. It sounds to me that he was a rebound...he was just there and convenient to you after you got done with the long distance relationship.


When you break up with somebody, you need some time out...some time to heal. Don't be intimidated into marrying anybody because you feel guilty or obligated. Marriage is far to serious for that.


I do think you have some serious issues that need to be addressed. When a person opts for a long distance relationship rather than seeing people who are in their proximity and available, there may sometime be intimacy or abandonment issues of various varieties.


Take some time to get yourself healed and together before you venture into marriage...or even another serious relationship.

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