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Wife left two weeks ago

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[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]I’m new hear and in desperate need of some advice. Me and my wife have been married for 4 year’s. Two weeks ago after I came home from work I discovered that she had left. [/sIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]Hears my Story:[/sIZE][/FONT]

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[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]Like I said we have been married for four years but the last three it’s been a struggle for us. Three year’s ago my wife went to a friends place and they went out to the bar (she turned 21 five days before we got married). She met a guy there and they kind of hit it off. She always claimed that he was just a friend. And I trusted her enough to not get involved. But after about a month of them talking on the phone. She went back up to her friends house and met up with this guy again. Well one thing led to another and she ended up cheating on me with him (she alwasy tryed to pass it off as a drunken mistake). Well after she told me, I insisted that she never speak to him again. But she kept on pushing the issue that he was just a friend for three or four months after she cheated. Finally one day I had enough and just told her it was either me or him. Well she picked me. Ever since that situation happen it has kind of haunted me. I trust my wife now but it was the way she dealt with the situation that always got to me. Well After the situation with this guy happen she met a girl form work that she became really good friends with. The girl she met was single. And loved going out to the bar. Well for two and half years they have made it a point to go to the bar every chance they get . Yes my wife would ask me to go some times but I didn’t feel the need to go out all the time. Maybe now that I think about it I should have gone but I didn’t. Well at first when my wife would go out it would be for a couple of hours. Then in the last year or so she has been spending the night at this friends house (she live in a different town then use). Now mind you this has gone on every weekend for the last two year. Well about every six months we would get into a huge fight about it and nothing ever got resolved. I would tell her how I felt but it felt like it never sank in. Well two weeks ago my wife left me to stay at her friend’s house. And she left me a Note saying that I was Overly controlling. [/sIZE][/FONT]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]What do I do? [/FONT][/sIZE]

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