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So we both said we didn't want a relationship but...


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I was introduced to this really nice guy just before Thanksgiving. He asked me to go out for a drink a few times and I always declined but one night I decided I would go out with him as long as my friends (the couple who introduced us) came along. So we all went out and I had a great time. We went out again about a week later (with friends) and afterwards we went to my friends house and had more drinks and watched DVD's. He decided to lay on my lap to get comfortable on the sofa - I didn't mind at all.


Every night/morning after we went out, I would have a text message on my phone from him wishing me sweet dreams or good morning. I really started to feel a strong attraction to him and so I decided I would ask him out and he accepted. We've spent every weekend together since then. We are "intimate." He calls me everyday and we talk for hours. He's bought me "just because" gifts. Now he's moving in with me (temporarily) until his place is ready. We both said we don't want a relationship or labels but I really like him and I feel like I would like to have "more" with him. It's only been a short while though. I enjoy his friendship etc and I don't want to scare him away.


What should I do? Do I just let things run their course and see where this ends up?

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I say stick with the plan to label it as an intimate friendship for now and see where it goes beyond the temporary living situation. Or perhaps maybe during that time you two can talk about where you want to go with this. So far it sounds like things are going great so why add any pressure? Plus, let time allow you to get to know each other better. Communication is key. You'll eventually have to discuss feelings with each other and make any further decisions together as well.

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We are "intimate."


Does that mean you're having sex?


If so, then you do need to define your relationship a bit better. You don't have to label it anything if you don't want to, but I imagine you would want to establish some boundaries in terms of whether he is being 'intimate' with anyone else, right? At least make sure you understand whether both of you are on the same page with having other sexual partners.


The rest sounds like it will take care of itself. :)


Have fun!

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