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The man of the house doesn't want to have sex!!

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I am a divorced woman who is now in a loving relationship with a wonderful new man. We have been dating for over a year and have lived together for 7 months. We are both in our mid 30's. Here is my problem-he never wants to have sex. He says he just doesn't need it and never is "in the mood". When we have sex, it is phenomenal! I just can't ever get him to bed. I know most of the time, the men are complaining about this...any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?!? After a while the ego takes a big bruising when you get "shot down" all the time.

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He has always been this way...nothing new I guess. We waited a long time to have sex in the first place. Now we have sex MAYBE once a month!

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He has always been this way...nothing new I guess. We waited a long time to have sex in the first place. Now we have sex MAYBE once a month!


Does he seem depressed? How are other areas in his life besides in the bedroom? Maybe his sex drive is just lower then yours. Have you discussed how you feel with him on the issue?

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He has always been this way...nothing new I guess. We waited a long time to have sex in the first place. Now we have sex MAYBE once a month!


I'm afraid that he's like that and not much you can do... not everyone has high sex drive although it is quite unusual for a man.. ;)


You knew from the start that he was not a sexual guy.. I don't know why, now, you think it's a problem...


You have two choices: get a good dildo or leave him if sex is really important to you.

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Once a month, and he's not that into it?


When you are married, it will be far far less. Are you prepared for this, over the long haul? You should chat with some other women in similar situations. http://p094.ezboard.com/bsexlessmarriage


Run, don't walk, for the exit.

'Cause it ain't gonna get better.



Edited by Desperate HH
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I'm afraid that he's like that and not much you can do... not everyone has high sex drive although it is quite unusual for a man.. ;)


You knew from the start that he was not a sexual guy.. I don't know why, now, you think it's a problem...


You have two choices: get a good dildo or leave him if sex is really important to you.


Which one would you do?

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