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Married Life: The Dog or Me?

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You all know how much I love dogs. Hubby does too. Thank goodness!


Our newest family member, Tank, is a pit-bull. She's a sweet gentle loving girl with lots of energy. Her name is Tank for a reason.


We get her out in the yard and 'run' her every day because she has so much energy.


Last night I was throwing her ball and she was tearing around the yard, happily running for all she was worth. I was standing on the patio, next to a chair. About five inches from the chair. The back door was on my other side and open. I was not blocking the door.


Tank came zoooooming from the back of the yard and did she decide to go in the door straight on? No! Of course not. She decided she could fit thru the 5 inches between me and the chair.


She hit the back of my legs and knees and I went straight down in a sitting position - on top of Tank. It scared me because I felt her crush underneath me and into the chair. I mean I sat down on that girl totally. I shoved myself over and off of her in a split second, but not before she yelped loudly.


So, here I am laying on the patio. I had a back injury last November (in the hospital ER with it mind you) and have been doing PT ever since.


My husband comes running in from his den. He sees me laying outside on the patio, in the dark and cold. I told him what happened and he goes up to Tank, who had come over to kiss my face off while I was on her level, but then jumped up on the couch when her daddy came in.


What does hubby do? He leaves me laying on the patio while he gets on his knees in front of the couch and cuddles Tank and all I hear is "Are you OK baby girl? Momma didn't mean it. Poor baby!"


Uh, HELLO! Wife on the ground out here! LOL!


I wasn't hurt, and if I had been screaming in pain or yelling for help myself, hubby would of course come and picked me up right away. So I layed there for 10 minutes or so until I called for him to help me up. I've got some scrapes and bruises and I'm a bit sore today, but I didn't reinjure my back.


Tank is fine.

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My husband comes running in from his den. He sees me laying outside on the patio, in the dark and cold. I told him what happened and he goes up to Tank, who had come over to kiss my face off while I was on her level, but then jumped up on the couch when her daddy came in.


Well, look at it from his perspective. You're laying on the ground, telling him what happened (which I assume means describing what Tank did). You weren't screaming in pain, and you didn't ask him to help you up. So he figures you're OK, just concerned about Tank, so he goes to check on Tank.


Men are not mind-readers. I don't care how long you've been married to them.

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You can talk, Tank can't.


You didn't say you were hurt, so Tank is #1!


The man knows how to prioritize. Keep him!

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I have MUCH MORE respect for the damage pit bulls can do to me instantly than that which humans can quickly inflict. I would want a pit bull to be VERY happy!

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Hard to hear tone of voice in a post. I was trying to say it in a laughing manner. Hubby would have come running to me had I been hurt.


It was a funny thing that happend & I thought I'd share. Its another one of those things that we can laugh at. Like when Tank went on a mad tear around the house from outside (happy mad tear!) and scattered all my freshly washed and folded laundry and got it all dirty again last Sunday. Me and my doglets!


Pit Bull's are so loving! Tank is such a character and such a tom-boy!

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