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My ex is a looser


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My boyfriend is 26 years old...He had so many things in his pass that are now coming up in our relationship. His circle of friends includes his ex girlfriends and some people he slept with. We've been together for six months now (on and off), the reason we broke up the first time was because he slept with some girl he works with and i think is now a member of his circle of friends. He want's me to trust him but i'm having a hard time coz i always think that he going to do it again. Finally this weekend, we broke up. I was so upset that i went into his e-mail account and read his mail. A part of the mail (his reply) to a girls mail was that "I cannot wait to hold you back in my arms" when I confronted him about it he said that that is just there way of talking. and he also said that "it's just an e-mail" Along with those e-mails, i also found an e-mail that inludes a site for travel tickets. He was talking to her and planned on visiting her. He didn't tell me these, that he was going to leave. How am i suppose to trust him? should i even bother working out the relationship, i gave him his chance. Also, it seems like every minute his cell phone rings. I'm not even sure if he ment what he said that he loves me. When we are talking about an issue (important issues) and his phone rings he would just leave me and go somewhere to talk to the girl thats calling. I don't know what to do...I love him but not enought to put up with that kind of abuse, rudeness



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My boyfriend is 26 years old...He had so many things in his pass that are now coming up in our relationship. His circle of friends includes his ex girlfriends and some people he slept with. We've been together for six months now (on and off), the reason we broke up the first time was because he slept with some girl he works with and i think is now a member of his circle of friends. He want's me to trust him but i'm having a hard time coz i always think that he going to do it again. Finally this weekend, we broke up. I was so upset that i went into his e-mail account and read his mail. A part of the mail (his reply) to a girls mail was that "I cannot wait to hold you back in my arms" when I confronted him about it he said that that is just there way of talking. and he also said that "it's just an e-mail" Along with those e-mails, i also found an e-mail that inludes a site for travel tickets. He was talking to her and planned on visiting her. He didn't tell me these, that he was going to leave. How am i suppose to trust him? should i even bother working out the relationship, i gave him his chance. Also, it seems like every minute his cell phone rings. I'm not even sure if he ment what he said that he loves me. When we are talking about an issue (important issues) and his phone rings he would just leave me and go somewhere to talk to the girl thats calling. I don't know what to do...I love him but not enought to put up with that kind of abuse, rudeness help

Help yourself and find someone that you really trust and quit wasting your time with that loser!

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My boyfriend is 26 years old...He had so many things in his pass that are now coming up in our relationship. His circle of friends includes his ex girlfriends and some people he slept with. We've been together for six months now (on and off), the reason we broke up the first time was because he slept with some girl he works with and i think is now a member of his circle of friends. I own a house and he asked to move in with me after the holidays and i said okay. Everything was fine for a month or so until all these calls starts coming in. Maybe it's just me but when a classmate calls (who according to him has a boyfriend) calls and he would say " if you need just call me and I'll be there" isn't that kinda odd. He want's me to trust him but i'm having a hard time coz i always think that he going to do it again. And especially if all these women keep on calling. Finally this weekend, we broke up. I was so upset that i went into his e-mail account and read his mail. There were two folders set-up in his inbox, one has my name on it and the other was some girls e-mail name. One of the e-mail he received read, "I hate waking up by myself, I miss waking up or the way i usually wake you up". This is his reply, "I cannot wait hold you back in my arms" when I confronted him about it he said that that is just there way of talking. and he also said that "it's just an e-mail" Along with those e-mails, i also found an e-mail that inludes a site for travel tickets. He was talking to her and planned on visiting her. He didn't tell me these, that he was going to leave. How am i suppose to trust him? should i even bother working out the relationship, i gave him his chance. Also, it seems like every minute his cell phone rings. I'm not even sure if he ment what he said that he loves me. When we are talking about an issue (important issues) and his phone rings he would just leave me and go somewhere to talk to the girl thats calling. I don't know what to do...I love him but not enought to put up with that kind of abuse, rudeness When someone calls him he doesn't want me to get jealous, but when some calls me he would hit the redial button on the phone just to find out who called or who i've been talking to. help
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My boyfriend is 26 years old...He had so many things in his pass that are now coming up in our relationship. His circle of friends includes his ex girlfriends and some people he slept with. We've been together for six months now (on and off), the reason we broke up the first time was because he slept with some girl he works with and i think is now a member of his circle of friends. He want's me to trust him but i'm having a hard time coz i always think that he going to do it again. Finally this weekend, we broke up. I was so upset that i went into his e-mail account and read his mail. A part of the mail (his reply) to a girls mail was that "I cannot wait to hold you back in my arms" when I confronted him about it he said that that is just there way of talking. and he also said that "it's just an e-mail" Along with those e-mails, i also found an e-mail that inludes a site for travel tickets. He was talking to her and planned on visiting her. He didn't tell me these, that he was going to leave. How am i suppose to trust him? should i even bother working out the relationship, i gave him his chance. Also, it seems like every minute his cell phone rings. I'm not even sure if he ment what he said that he loves me. When we are talking about an issue (important issues) and his phone rings he would just leave me and go somewhere to talk to the girl thats calling. I don't know what to do...I love him but not enought to put up with that kind of abuse, rudeness help


Hi There!


Yes you should dump him. And no matter how much you love someone, you should never ever put up with abuse. The fact that he is rude to you, shows that he doesn't care two bits about how you feel. You deserve hapiness, and you deserve to be loved. Noone deserves abuse.

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