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Need help to analyze on this...plz

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Hi Everyone,


I think this website is absolutely needy & great!


So I thought I could get some good advices to analyze this situation. My cousin questes me sometime about her situation. Now I'm trying to analyze their letters (she has given me the permission) but still don't understand.....plz help me to understand this complitely:


They dated for about 4 months and after they broke up, they tried to be friends but it didn't go well....he called & left a msg and she called back, left a msg and few days later he called back, and it happened very often... (sometimes they got talk but some short conversations- once she had asked for his prof. advice and during the conversation, he mentioned to go out w/ her again & said he still likes her). After all this phone games, she decided not to return his call but wrote to him:


Hi xxx,


I hope you doing well!


xxx, each time there is something remind me of you, I feel bad about being rude for not replying your last phone call.

xxx, when we were dating, I did care for you & was sincere about you but by the time I realized that you didn't really care for me, weren't sincere about me and not even respected me in anyways which I believed that a healthy & stable relationship couldn't be built on that starting.

xxx, after we agreed to end our dating and for a while after I truly thought that we still could be friends, since we have some

understandings for each other of the European background we both have. But it seems like, it doesn't work out for us for being friends. I admit that I'm a worrier but I'm also straight forward & honest.

xxx, I did understand & respect you for not had the willing to build on our dating or for not had the feelings for me. Though, I didn't acccept for the way you had treated me/our time together. I can be too kind that people misunderstand me. I have a strong emotional, and I'm a caring & loving person but I want to give my love to a one who will appreciate it. I'm not into playing games and don't want to be anybody's toy. xxx, I have the feeling that you want to start to playing around w/ me again. xxx, I believe you are nice & definitely well-educated enough to udnerstand


Well, thats all I want to clear out........

Take care,




I understand the way you feel. I don't want to play around with you, I called you because I was concerned and wanted to see how you have been doing lately. I can see why you would think that though and I know it's very hard to be friends after dating. You're a great person, very kind, genuine, pretty, giving and I'm glad you can be honest with me. If you would just

like to e-mail that's ok. If you are uncomfortable with that too let me know. I'm glad you have continued to be in touch. I think as well, that you will be happy with someone else who is wanting the same things. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I hope all is well with you xxx.

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i don't think so. sounds like they've broken up, to me. i'm not sure why you're analyzing others' letters, anyway. doesn't your cousin know herself and her ex better than you??



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