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I can't figure it out.

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I met this guy in class this past October. We sat near each other and began to talk a lot. We flirted a lot. Sometimes he would walk with me aways after class and sometimes he would walk with me into school in the mornings. I thought we were friends because of this, and I developed a crush on him. So I looked him up on myspace and found out he has a girlfriend. (This girl who's two years younger than us and had gone to school with me in middle school. But that's beside the point.)


So anyway. I was like, "Ok. He has a girlfriend. No big deal, we can still be friends." and we were. But eventually, the teacher made assigned seats (stupid idiots were being obnoxious) and he ended up sitting on the other side of the room. We maintained contact for awhile, but eventually he just stopped talking to me.


My mom thinks that, since there was obvious flirtation, that maybe he started to like me and felt bad about it since he has a girlfriend. And I think this is possible, but I'm not sure since we were never really *close*. Outside of school, we've never hung out or anything. So I don't know. Opinions?

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