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please read moving at the speed of light


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ok look I have been going out with this guy for two days!!!!


I know that thats a short time but when we started going out he asked we had been very pasionite friends so of course i said yes and sealed it with a kiss. Now everytime we see eachother we kiss i mean i love to kiss but I wanna Stay a virgin and i'm afraid of what will happen If you want more info abbout my prollem email me but i really need help!!


how do you know if you are moving to fast??????




Thanks to you all




Ashley Karrissa Pat.

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ok look I have been going out with this guy for two days!!!! I know that thats a short time but when we started going out he asked we had been very pasionite friends so of course i said yes and sealed it with a kiss. Now everytime we see eachother we kiss i mean i love to kiss but I wanna Stay a virgin and i'm afraid of what will happen If you want more info abbout my prollem email me but i really need help!! how do you know if you are moving to fast??????


PLEASE HELP Thanks to you all Love Ashley Karrissa Pat.


Two days is definately too fast! No matter how you feel. Its better to make sure of your feelings before you act.

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ok look I have been going out with this guy for two days!!!! I know that thats a short time but when we started going out he asked we had been very pasionite friends so of course i said yes and sealed it with a kiss. Now everytime we see eachother we kiss i mean i love to kiss but I wanna Stay a virgin and i'm afraid of what will happen If you want more info abbout my prollem email me but i really need help!! how do you know if you are moving to fast??????


PLEASE HELP Thanks to you all Love Ashley Karrissa Pat.


Hi Ashley!


If you want to stay a virgin, then that's all that matters. Don't have sex if you don't want to. If your boyfriend doesn't understand that, and pressures you, or tries to make you feel bad about your decision, then he's not worth staying with. There are many reasons why people feel good when they kiss each other. Hormones are triggered, a natural bilogical process. You could also feel that sort of "electric" chemistry with this man, which is another natural thing. Or you may just love the feeling of affection. But if kissing is where you want it to stop, then it should stop there.

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