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Guys..where is the friendship line drawn?

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I have become very good "friends" with a man I used to work with. We worked together for 2 years and then I was laid off and started new employment shortly thereafter. We are both married and our relationship has always been fun, flirty and lots of chemistry by completely plutonic. I started devoloping feelings for him along the way but realized I would jeopardize my family so I have never said anything and I am ok with us being friends. Guys, my questions to you is, does this guy consider me a friend? He has very few friends none of which are girls. He calls me at least once a day along 3-4 emails. I do not even correspond with my girlfriends of 20 yrs that often. I am just a little confused and really do not know how to move forward as this continues.


Are guys typically ok with having these types of relationships?


Thank you for the input.....


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Every friendship is different. This man may have completely platonic feelings for you, yet the friendship may excited him to the point that he very much enjoys your company and looks forward to seeing you often. He may not see you in a sexual way at all.


On the other hand, he may want to jump your bones at the earliest opportunity.


There is simply no way we can answer your question without asking him directly and getting an HONEST answer from him. So get some truth serum, introduce an adequate dose into his system, and sign him onto LoveShack. We'll take it from there.


Meanwhile, enjoy the friendship but don't be too encouraging. Some people take that the very wrong way. If you're not looking for an affair, be sure this friendship has healthy boundaries that you are willing to enforce.


To answer your question, some guys are very much OK with female friendships...others are just hanging around waiting to make their move and it's sickening. It's the worst kind of dishonesty humans can muster.

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Guys, my questions to you is, does this guy consider me a friend? He has very few friends none of which are girls. He calls me at least once a day along 3-4 emails. I do not even correspond with my girlfriends of 20 yrs that often. I am just a little confused and really do not know how to move forward as this continues.


Are guys typically ok with having these types of relationships?


He may consider you a friend AND he may also consider you a potential conquest. I think his daily calls and multiple e-mails are inappropriate given the fact that each of you is married, and not to one another.


As for typically having these kinds of relationships, the only woman I ever knew from work whom I ever called outside of work, and I was single when i did so, I'm now married to.


I would not have been OK contacting her that way while married, and didn't.


As a simple test of appropriateness, ask your husband and ask his wife how they feel about all this interaction. The fact that you likely wouldn't be willing to do so really says it all.

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