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So heres my big dilemma people, I have a friend a real good female friend, we've been friends for about 3 years 2 of which i dated her best friend and current roomate, i always thought she was a great girl and felt a certain chemistry between us. recently ive developed "feelings" for her, and ive always felt a romantic tension between us. So u can see the obvious problem, her bestfriend is a an EX from a 2 yr relationship, and frankly im scared to say sumthin and risk ruining a great friendship. so if i could get a lil feedback maybe from someone who's had a similiar problem

Edited by BG22187
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That's a dilemma alright. If you and your Ex have established a feelings-free, civil friendship, you should tell her what your feeling and get her feedback. Let her know you don't want to approach this situation without talking with her 1st. Cuz if you go right to the girl you like and ask her out, it immediately places her in an awkward spot. She'd feel better if you could tell her that the Ex is okay with it all.


But if the friendship with our Ex is a little complicated, like say if any feelings are still there or if she hasn't completely moved on yet, it's probably a bad idea to date her roommate. Not only would it hurt her, but it could hurt their friendship, actually it could hurt all friendships involved. So if you approach this do so carefully.

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well there are always those little details ya know, my ex an i do have some lingering feelings, she broke up with me, then attempted to get me back, i decided not to. also their friendship has been on the rocks for a lil while and the girl i like isn't going to renew their lease together. the thing that throws me off is like she's an athletic type, doesn't really wear make-up(naturally beautiful) and one night we went to the movies "as friends" of course, i answer the door when she gets there and she's all done up lookin really good, and 1 up on that she lied to my ex about us going to the movies. im usually good at reading signals but i just can't figure it out

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No matter what you do, I would suggest being honest.


Would waiting until their lease has ended be out of the question? It would probably make things somewhat less awkward and it would also allow for time to think everything over and see if the feelings diminish or get stronger.

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well there are always those little details ya know, my ex an i do have some lingering feelings, she broke up with me, then attempted to get me back, i decided not to. also their friendship has been on the rocks for a lil while and the girl i like isn't going to renew their lease together.


she lied to my ex about us going to the movies


NO - do not ask this girl out. Major trouble all around if you do, and it will NOT work out between you. Way too much drama as a starting point.


Besides, now you already know she's a liar, she will lie to get what she wants behind her friend's back. What makes you think she won't LIE to you at some point?

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I agree there's drama written all over this, just think if it got more involved, you'd probably wish you just stayed away from both of them.

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