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female friend just broke up

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Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted on LS but something interesting happened lately and I need some quick advice from you guys :)


I'm a guy who's close friend (female) just told me she broke up with her bf :eek:.


I've known her for less than a year, but we've been close friends since. I have already asked this girl out before shortly after we first met, but that was when I found out she has a bf. Now that she broke up with him, what is the best way to approach her? I mean I can normally ask a girl out no problem, but this is different because 1) she's a close friend and 2) she just broke up - which means there's a lot going through her mind at the moment. :confused:


Any advice? Thanks in advance.

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Give her some time to deal with her break up. For now just support her, maybe offer to take her out to get her mind off of it, but try and not make it feel like a date, just a fun night to make her feel better.


How long was she with her ex?

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Thanks ShoeGirl,


I think she's been with him for about 6 to 7 months. But from what I've observed, their relationship did not seem very serious... They didn't see each other very often and they don't have a lot of interests in common. Nevertheless, I can see that she is pretty sad about the breakup.

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Breakups are hard no matter how long the relationship lasted.


If it wasn't that serious then it probably won't take her that long to get over it. Just make sure you are giving her space and time to cope. If you ask her out too soon she might get uncomfortable around you.


Good luck :)

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