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A problem in socializing

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I found out that I have problems with groups of people who are talking ABOUT people. I'm extremely uncomfortable to be in a conversation

where people say things like "John is like...", "Mary did this to Bob.." and

stuff like that. But this seems to be the kind of conversation that most groups of people seem to have in places like bars. Every time this kind of conversation takes place (not only gossips but other "people talks" too), I feel a very strong urge to leave the crowd and it's almost always irresistible. After all, I'm uncomfortable with most of groups and crowds. As a result, when I try to approach women, I can only talk to ones who are not in a group (a woman who's eating alone, for example). But they are usually cautious and protective (and they need to be). And it's really hard to find a group of people who NEVER talks about people. That lays a big obstacle in asking women for dates. Please give me suggestions. And, how do you deal with gossips and unpleasant conversations?

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