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Confused feelings

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I am in need of some advice, suggestions, etc.


I've written on this topic before.. but not on this sort of theme.. Ok, here's the thing.. I have several if not all good guy friends.. We probably get along better than most of my girl-friends.


The thing is though there is this one individual a (guy) whom I've known like forever. And, although we've had many a conversation on our feelings, etc. for each other.. we both feel, at least for now that it we will stay friends.. at this point in time... Well, deep down inside I do have some hidden feelings towards this individual..


I have realized it more and more.. once he told me about his recent encounters with a new girlfriend of his.. Now, I'm not trying to be jealous, in anyway.. but the thing is I sort of am.. :-()


I've actually been afraid to contact him.. at certain points.. in that **someone** else could pick up the phone, etc. Overall I just don't know what to do.. I'm estatic for my friend... but yet on the same hand I'm sort of confused on the emotional feelings I have for him.. This giving space lingo.. is actually driving me insane...


Don't know what to do.... PLease help, SOMEONE!!

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Well, Bill:


We actually did go for it for a good year (+) span... Then, sort of took a break, per se.. BASICALLY BECAUSE OF MASSIVE CONFUSION OF WHAT WE BOTH FELT FOR ONE ANOTHER!!


And at one given recent time.. we realized that we're more like a brother---sister relationship than most any given situations... Where we could tell each other anything.. and during most time(s) of the day... And, when discussing other girls (his end), guys (mine) we sort of changed subjects.. in that we didn't want either one of us to be terribly awful inside.


The thing is though.... we've been talking lots.. on here... and through random hellos in person (he lives in the same town as I, as a few streets down)----- very hard... And well, I strongly sense that he has the same feelings for me as I for him.. but is seeing this new girl from his work.. to see if some emotions, etc. will change.. with someone different..


And in that I want the very best for him.. I don't want my ego to be like that from:: My Best Friends Wedding!!! That would just be awful!!! Which is why I need yours or anyone elses insights on what I should do in this situation???


Should I give him enough space.. in hope that he'll call/e-mail at random.. or should I just move on.. having him as a pure memory in my heart?? SO totally confused/perplexed.....

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You should not contact him. IF he contacts you, then you can go for it. You cannot guess what his feelings are. If you want, you can ask him once, to see if anything is there. If there is not, then you need to move on.


He may not feel a relationship with you is possible. Try to see what his intentions are with this girl at work. If he goes for her, then he did not want to be with you.

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The more I think about this... the more I feel that my feelings/emotions for this person are here**.. The thing is that although I have practically denied the fact that I really don't have these feelings towards him.... He recently is seeing someone.. and asked my opinion.. and I said go for it.... And, well the thing is that this new/broader relationship we have as really good friends (best friends, you could saY).. The more I can't stop during at least one point in time during my day.. thinking about him... I'm just sooo totally confused.... and wondering from anyone if I should in fact confess my TRUE feelings for this person.. Or as some of you have responded to me before... just keep things closed...


In need of some comforting advice..!!... ::--((())


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Your true feelings would be a bad thing to bring up at this point. He has just started seeing someone. You should not interfere in this. If it does not work out, then possibly you can state your feelings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't agree with Bill at all, but I'd be the first person to recognize the problem you face.


I have the same relationship with a lady - best friends, tell each other everything. Things escalated a year ago, and I got what I thought were signals that her feelings were changing. They weren't, and I thought the friendship was over.


It was cool briefly, then the signals began again. About six weeks ago, at a crisis point in her life, the signals escalated and I have no earthly idea what to do about it.


I'd like to just sit her down and mutually work out where we're at, but there are a LOT of things in this life easier than that.


Good luck.

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I don't think now is a good time to go all out on feelings. If he has the feelings, he'll be back-


Or if he and this girl don't work out, by all means go for break, what do u have to lose??????? Let it all out, see what happens, sure he might run away, but if he really feels it, he'll be right back


Either way you get a huge question answered

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