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I want revenge on the other woman

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This woman is just an idiot. My god. For real. Honestly, I am flabbergasted. Okay, why don't you realize, honey, that your d.bag of a husband cheated on you and your two children? Who gives a crow's foot about the other woman? Your husband is a loser. Get it through your head.


Everything you've done is so psychotic I won't even touch it with an 80 foot pole.

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but if it is revenge you want you may as well do it legally...

You bet.


Also, if you're going to do it, do it with style and make it life changing. Forget the petty things like dead roses. Forget the stalking. Both are creepy stalker tricks.


Stick it where it will hurt both your husband and the OW. As suggested by LB, make it a financial pain and burden. Suck him dry.


If you do it, do it with no remorse. Make sure you can live with yourself, when there's no one left standing.

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I hope the OP is not in jail by now. Anyway, no matter how much harm you're planning to do to this OW, you can't still change reality. Bottomline is, your husband cheated on you and its enough proof that he is no good at all. Say you succeeded in getting him back, do you think you will still have a normal loving relationship after all these mess? What's the point of fighting so hard for somone who crushed you inside out? Who put you and your children's life in hell? There is nothing special about the OW. He just fell out of love and just wanna get out. See how irresponsible he is? You can send the most nasty letter to both of them but of course, without threatening them and after that, move on. Get a divorce. Doesn't mean H left you, you have to be in hell. Focus with your children for now. They need you more.

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This has to be a joke right?


No one is that crazy...and the part where her mom and friends help her is beyond belief...they can't all be that f-up.


If this is real...take a look at your actions and you will understand why your husband would leave you

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Yeah, I think it is a joke. OP isn't here anymore.

No one could get away with slashing tires and sending dead flowers to someone.... NOt saying someone wouldn't be crazy enough to do it though, there are a lot of damaged people out there.


Unless OP is from a back woods small town where the law is likened to Hazzard County and the OW is Daisy Duke.

In which case, neither Enis or Roscoe will take notice because they are too busy chasing the Duke Boys.

Just watch out- you don't want the General Lee coming after you seeking justice ....

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...I don't know. I mean, I hope for everyone's sake that it is, but I use to live in a small town in the south, and let me tell you: some of those women are CRAZY. I mean, I knew a woman who stalked a girl who was just her husband's friend, nothing more. She was so jealous, she called and harrassed her at work, followed her around; I think she may have even slit her tires at some point. There are some crazy wives/SOs out there, which is why OW should beware!



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