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Love square.. uh oh.

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At work, there are four of us. Two guys, two girls. All within a couple years of each other's ages (we're between 16-18). The two guys are the new employees and the one, who we'll call Bob, was hired because John (the other guy) put it in a good word for him. Me and Martha (other girl) have been working there for awhile (2 years or so) and are good friends.


I've always found Bob attractive, but he's not the type that would go for me. He has expressed that he finds Martha attractive. Martha, however, thinks he's immature and finds herself attracted to John. John, however, is very obviously into me.


It's very confusing and not really that serious. Nothing will probably go beyond flirtation with any of us, BUT I really really don't want to lose a friend over this. If Martha gets the wrong idea about John and me (which I really DON'T have feelings for him), I'm afraid I'll lose a friend.

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So tell her that.


Stay away from either of those guys and keep your friendship with Martha, as that seems to be what matters the most to you in this situation.


On the other hand, if she gets upset and you lose a friend because John is into you even though you do nothing to promote this... that's pretty sad and you're probably better off without her.



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