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I am very upset re: my relationship with my fiance is on shaky ground. We are not getting along and have high-stress situations....me having to declare bankruptcy (from a previous business/marriage), forced to foreclose on my house, finding a new home within so litte time. Me, unemployed. He has a high-stress job and has lost respect for me a woman/person b/c I am not solvent and he thought I was. However, indicated he loved me w/debt, without or coming to him with money. Now, he feels money is a tool and I have none. He is no longer attentive; rarely acknowledges me. I don't know if he is perhaps, having an affair. I have asked him and attempted to discuss 'anything' with him and he just blows up/gets angry and declares he just wants space.

You see, as part of a divorce settlement, we both (I took a hugh risk...b/c he loved me) that I should take my house as a settlement. I did not have the means to support the mortgage. My fiance said 'piece of cake'; he can pay the mortgage. We were to refiance or move(he was waiting for a promotion..did not occur). Things are different; he no longer desires to live in this town/house. I am afraid he is going to leave me. He shows zero interest in me. I try to talk and he won't even look in my direction.

I need advice.

Kind regards,

Mimi [email protected]

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What to do? Move on. It does not sound like there is much there to save. This is a man who is bailing on you in times of trouble - not someone you want to trust with the rest of your life.

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Hi mimi! I'm sorry you are having a bad time right now. I also declared bankruptcy when I was married to help things out. Needless to say it only made our relationship worse. We ended up getting a divorce. In my case, I realize that I felt terrible about myself and in turn he did too. Now I see how strong of a person I was/am to have gotten thru all of that. If he can't support you now, how do you think he will behave later? This is a major thing to happen to you. Just think about yourself right now and get thru this.

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You are going through a very stressful time at the moment and need to talk. Are there any other reasons why you think he is cheating? Try to talk to him again because living in limbo is a very painful experience. You deserve peace of mind

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