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Ok I need a little advice here?!@# Bare with me...


My boyfriend once live-in boyfriend and I just decided to move away from eachother not break up but just not live together. After a very emotional 2 days, I accepted this and told myself that we can make this work. But, after me leaving he started to talk with this woman whom I might add sounds very lonely (but that is my opinion only)over the internet, they even exchanged phone numbers. I'll admit this upsets me because PHONE NUMBERS? This woman is married ok, but anyway. Her husband calls wanting to know why our number was on his caller ID I told him I didn't know and went on about my business until I got curious and called him back and asked if his wife was...he says yes. Ok well his wife(this person my bf has been talking to) calls my boyfriend saying that I called their house first asking all sorts of questions, so my bf gets mad and writes this supposedly fake letter to this woman saying how much he misses her when he doesn't talk to her and he can't wait to meet her and so forth. What I need advice on is should he believe me or them, he doesn't believe me when I tell him that this husband called me first and that I was just being nosy. And should I believe my bf when he tells me that all this relationship is over the internet is strictly as friends. I want to believe him, and I know all this sounds so immature but it is something I really need advice on.


Should I go with my gut, and believe him and say screw that woman because after all this is over the internet or what?


Please help

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Don't worry yourself about the details. Dump this guy and move on. You obviously don't or can't trust him and he mostly likely isn't worthy of trust. Do yourself a favor, get over him, and find the love of your life elsewhere...because this isn't the one.

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here is the deal,


My ex and i just broke up, (he was also living with me). I found an e-mail from one of his sleeping budies and he also said he cannot wait to hold her back in his arms. If he loves you he wouldn't even go there. Obviously there is a reason why he wanted to seperate from you. Either they have been talking for a while and you just didn't know it or he is feeling something for this girl. why waste your time on someone who really is confused. the way I see it, internet or not it doesn't make it right. If he can do it on the internet what makes you think he wont do it if the person is right infront of him. Read my issue "My ex is a looser" by asia. Let me know what you think

Ok I need a little advice here?!@# Bare with me... My boyfriend once live-in boyfriend and I just decided to move away from eachother not break up but just not live together. After a very emotional 2 days, I accepted this and told myself that we can make this work. But, after me leaving he started to talk with this woman whom I might add sounds very lonely (but that is my opinion only)over the internet, they even exchanged phone numbers. I'll admit this upsets me because PHONE NUMBERS? This woman is married ok, but anyway. Her husband calls wanting to know why our number was on his caller ID I told him I didn't know and went on about my business until I got curious and called him back and asked if his wife was...he says yes. Ok well his wife(this person my bf has been talking to) calls my boyfriend saying that I called their house first asking all sorts of questions, so my bf gets mad and writes this supposedly fake letter to this woman saying how much he misses her when he doesn't talk to her and he can't wait to meet her and so forth. What I need advice on is should he believe me or them, he doesn't believe me when I tell him that this husband called me first and that I was just being nosy. And should I believe my bf when he tells me that all this relationship is over the internet is strictly as friends. I want to believe him, and I know all this sounds so immature but it is something I really need advice on. Should I go with my gut, and believe him and say screw that woman because after all this is over the internet or what? Please help
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Hi Sally. Firstly, I believe honesty and trust are the most important issues in a relationship. If for any reason your bf doesn't believe YOU first, then how does that prove his love to you? It sounds to me that there's an awful lot of lying going on. One, the woman your bf was talking with is trying to keep her and her hubby from arguing. So of course, you're made to be the bad guy (sorry). Second, I don't believe for a moment that the letter was a hoax. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it sounds like they might have gone through with it had the can of worms never been opened. This is a test of your love for one another. I think if you two are unable to bring everything out in the open, there may be little hope. If it were me (and I cannot pass judgement on anyone that I do not know), I would take it upon myself to break the relationship and wait for the right one to come along. You sound like you're in a little denial regarding forgetting the other woman and just moving ahead as though nothing occurred. If it happened once, it will most likely happen again.

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Ok I need a little advice here?!@# Bare with me... My boyfriend once live-in boyfriend and I just decided to move away from eachother not break up but just not live together. After a very emotional 2 days, I accepted this and told myself that we can make this work. But, after me leaving he started to talk with this woman whom I might add sounds very lonely (but that is my opinion only)over the internet, they even exchanged phone numbers. I'll admit this upsets me because PHONE NUMBERS? This woman is married ok, but anyway. Her husband calls wanting to know why our number was on his caller ID I told him I didn't know and went on about my business until I got curious and called him back and asked if his wife was...he says yes. Ok well his wife(this person my bf has been talking to) calls my boyfriend saying that I called their house first asking all sorts of questions, so my bf gets mad and writes this supposedly fake letter to this woman saying how much he misses her when he doesn't talk to her and he can't wait to meet her and so forth. What I need advice on is should he believe me or them, he doesn't believe me when I tell him that this husband called me first and that I was just being nosy. And should I believe my bf when he tells me that all this relationship is over the internet is strictly as friends. I want to believe him, and I know all this sounds so immature but it is something I really need advice on. Should I go with my gut, and believe him and say screw that woman because after all this is over the internet or what? Please help


Hi There!


First of all, you should hang up on this woman's husband everytime he calls. Do not get involved in that mess? All the talking about this whole thing should be done with your boyfriend. If after talking to him, you still feel like you don't trust him, then you have to decide whether or not it's worth staying with him. If you feel he's hiding something from you, then he is, at least in your eyes. And how you feel is what matters. Noone can make you feel any better about the situation but you.

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