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Tearing my hair out trying to be friends!

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Hi everyone, I'm sure many of you have gone through this so I could really use some advice! I have developed an awesome friendship with one of my female co-workers over the course of the past year or so. It's amazing how close we have become within the short period of time. But somehow, along with the platonic side came the romantic side. We work directly together and she is much older than me on top of that...so I have not allowed anything to happen...we've kissed many times..and I've actually said No to sleeping with her. We do care deeply for one another as friends, but I think I care more deeply for her on a romantic level. I get so jealous when I see her with other men or dating....It's driving me crazy, I think about her ALL the time! AND I work with her so I'm going crazy at work too! I totally resent myself for feeling this way...I want to be her good friend and be happy for her for good things happening in her life. My psyche just won't listen! How do I get over this without cutting off contact? Help!!!! :lmao:

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Hi everyone, I'm sure many of you have gone through this so I could really use some advice! I have developed an awesome friendship with one of my female co-workers over the course of the past year or so. It's amazing how close we have become within the short period of time. But somehow, along with the platonic side came the romantic side. We work directly together and she is much older than me on top of that...so I have not allowed anything to happen...we've kissed many times..and I've actually said No to sleeping with her. We do care deeply for one another as friends, but I think I care more deeply for her on a romantic level. I get so jealous when I see her with other men or dating....It's driving me crazy, I think about her ALL the time! AND I work with her so I'm going crazy at work too! I totally resent myself for feeling this way...I want to be her good friend and be happy for her for good things happening in her life. My psyche just won't listen! How do I get over this without cutting off contact? Help!!!! :lmao:


Well.. once a platonic friendship crosses over into the romantic arena.. I would say it's sort of tough to just be platonicfriend's again. I could be wrong however based upon other situation's I have read this is what I have come to believe. Do you know how she feel's about you? Is she single?



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I know she is attracted to me and cares deeply for me...but both of us have decided that a non-platonic relationship just would not work. She's single but dates quite often....we have consciously decided to be friends, just wish I could accept it.

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I know she is attracted to me and cares deeply for me...but both of us have decided that a non-platonic relationship just would not work. She's single but dates quite often....we have consciously decided to be friends, just wish I could accept it.


Sound's like your both on the same page since you both agree on the decesion to be friend's only. I guess the best you can do here is try it for a while the just friend's thing that is.. and if it hurt's to much.. pull away and have as little contact as possible. In the mean time try and get out there on a date distract yourself that might help. Good Luck.



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