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I need some ... really complicated situation


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Ok, she is incredible. I met this girl two weeks ago. We met through a friend of mine at the club one night. We then proceeded to sleep together for the next three nights (not sex, just talking and alot of kissing). I know how cliche it is but I've never felt like this before, especially after two weeks. We have basically been attached at the hip since we met and I love spending time with her. Now heres the problem. For the first week after we met, things got really serious way to fast. I fell hard for this girl. The chemistry is incredible and I know she felt the same about me. She has had alot of reallllllly bad relationships in her past, mainly guys playing her and treating her like ****. She knows how much I care about her and I'm a very respectful guy and she sees that. She has this ex named Cody though. He calls her constantly and 90 percent of the time, when she talks to him she ends up so upset she hangs up on him or she calls me in tears. And still, whenever he calls, she answers the phone and does it to herself. We decided just to be friends because she isn't ready for a relationship and needs to figure things out with her ex and I respect her decision. I really care about her so am I going support her while she figures things out. But even the we are just friends the attraction is still just as strong. I am trying to be just friends but its really hard to not want more, especially when she pulls me onto the couch with her and we start passionately kissing because I know she feels just as strongly about me as I do her. I am just really confused as is she and I just don't know what to think right now or say to her. How can you be lovers and friends at the same time when you arent allowed to use the word lovers? Has anyone had kinda the same situation as I'm in right now?:love:

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I guess why this is so tricky is because its not moving from friends to lovers, its trying to make an intimate relationship not so intimate.... I dunno tho

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We decided just to be friends because she isn't ready for a relationship and needs to figure things out with her ex and I respect her decision


There is your answer - you already know.


You have to back off the relationship, because right now, you are the one who will get hurt. Either she will go back to her ex, or she will push/pull until you are a basket case.


Be her friend, but back off the making out even if she pulls you on the couch. When she does that, tell her you respect her decision not be in a relationship right now, and you respect yourself enough that you don't want to take things to far either since she's not able of being in a healthy relationship.


Right now, you are kinda her back-up guy while she deals with her ex. If you keep up with the kissing, she's never going to deal with her ex and get him out of her life. Why should she? She has you even though you don't have her.

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