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Cheating on my GF, we are trying to sort things out.

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Hey yeahhh.


I just cheated on my GF, and as life goes... she found out.

We've been talking all day and night about it and she's saying how she dosn't know if she can trust me again. But at the same time she wants to work it out and so do I really love her so much.


I need some help on getting her back =[



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Was it a one night fling, or do you see yourself having this girl on the sideline just in case your g/f gets mad at you?


For the record When you cheat on someone it is really hard to gain their trust back. Most times its not even worth being back with the person because it causes more conflict. Every time your SO get an doubt about anything then she would automatically feel like your cheating.

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Yeah a one night fling, no for sure. I deleted every tiny bit of contact I had with her as requested by my GF.


I love her so much I really do, I was drunk and yes it was ****ing STUPID!

This girl is my world, that's just it. I can't let her leave, I just can't.

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Yeah a one night fling, no for sure. I deleted every tiny bit of contact I had with her as requested by my GF.


I love her so much I really do, I was drunk and yes it was ****ing STUPID!

This girl is my world, that's just it. I can't let her leave, I just can't.


Being drunk is not a good excuse..you probably no that. It's going to be hard for her to trust you again..I agree with EyeCandy that trust is really hard to gain back and it's going to cause more conflict in your relationship. You can try to get her to trust you again, and she may be able to but it's going to take a TON of work. Personally, if my bf told me he cheated on me I would never take him back because I know I wouldn't be able to trust him and I'd be very insecure. She's probably torn just because she does love you. But ultimately it is her decision. I firmly believe that if you truly love someone than even when you are drunk, you still wouldn't want to be with anyone else..you may want to think that one over.

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I've taken people back who have cheated before. But I don't really trust them much. And I don't take much of what they say seriously. And in turn, the relationship is sabotaged.


I don't know. I've seen some posts where people do end up working things out. I just don't know how, really.


I'm sorry I can't help you.

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Yeah, I know. I know.



I wasn't trying to be mean..you can try to regain her trust, but it's going to be hard. It's her decision though, so you will just have to wait and see what she says.

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From what you've said you havent lost her yet. Begin to gain trust back by your actions not words. Good luck.

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You have NO idea how lucky you are that she still wants to work it out.. You are so very lucky..


Just answer ALL the questions she may have for you, and don't hide anything... be an open book.. let her in on everything that you do.. you no longer have privacy from her... it will be a challenge, but what she's doing is risking her feelings to be hurt again.. you gotta show her in every which way, that you'll never do that again..


It's gonna be hard man.. cause that betrayal is gonna stay with her forever...


Trust me, I learnt this lesson the HARD way..

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I've been in a situation similar to yours but more intense like 10 times.My boyfriend is in your shoes right now. We were broken up for about 3 months but we ended up working through the troubles we had. And ima tell you its been good but hard we been together now for 2 months and we even live together now. Hes doing hes best to show me that he's sorry and that he does love me and wants to be with me. I think every one makes mistakes but every individual has their own mind and standards. Its up to your girlfriend if she wants to give you another chance. But you put yourself in that situation so you can't blame her if she doesn't take you back. Give her time and space to think!! I'm still dealing with the trust issue with my boyfriend but i'm taking it a day at a time. I told myself "If i say i wanna be in this relationship then i have to try!! i can't go accusing him of everything, and I don't. So pray about the situation as god to guide both of you and to give you guys strength. Good Luck

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I can't help you with the cheating part but I did have a gf that didn't trust me. Then what I did may not work for you but it finally got her to laugh though it all.


For some reason my gf thought I was cheating with a coworker. One night after a company picnic she accused me of it again and did her tear thing. So on the way back to my apartment I told her I needed to pick something up and stopped by the store.


I came back to the truck with a padlock. I dropped my drawers (in the driver seat and it was night) and clamped that lock around my two little boys. She couldn't believe it. I handed her the keys and told her she can unlock it when she decides to trust me again. I drove out of our way to stop at her place and made her take the keys into her apartment. Then she knew I was serious. Then we went out to dinner and back to my place for the rest of the weekend.


After that weekend the next time she came over she brought the keys and said she trusted me. We're not dating anymore but were still good friends and we still laugh about when she released me with her trust.


I hope you work things out, too.

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My boyfriend cheated on me.... while he was drunk he kissed a girl I found out. I took him back but it totaly changed our relationship. I was awful towards him I never felt like he really loved me after that. He tried to show me but it was never good enough for me. I made him miserable all because of one stupid mistake and he finally couldnt take it and left me.

You can try but once you cheat the relationship changes. hopefully she wont be like me. If you really love her make sure she knows it and take every oppertunity to show her how you feel. Why do guys do that anyway?

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