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What does she mean and think of me?

Rise Against

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Well there is this girl that I like a lot and we spend a lot of time together. And today was going to be the day I ask her to go to (School) semi-formal with me. Until today on msn she said we needed to talk. So I was sure, because we do this everyday anyways.


- She said that our level of happiness was decreasing and I was like really? Because she always talked about how school is affecting her life.

- So I was like how can we make it to be better?

- She starting talking about how when she spends time with me, she stopped talking to other people.

- And I was like do we need some time off (i.e. Spend less time together)?

- And she was like not necessarily, she said she thinks we should be free.

- Then she said let's continue this conversation another time, I have to do lots of homework now.


To me this sounds like "Let's not be friends anymore":(


Thanks for your comments. I'm feeling really depressed. :(

Edited by Rise Against
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"we should be free."


what does that mean? free to see other people again? I don't get it, you're not in a relationship but she's acting like you guys are in one? Maybe it is her way of saying that she isn't interested in you in that way and wants to spend less time in order to hang out with her other friends?


I wouldn't necessarily jump to conclusions right away, but I would def pursue her about continuing this conversation so that you're both on the same page as to what is going on. Then when you find out, let us know if you're still in doubt or need help. Right now its not the best thing to jump to conclusions too quickly b/c it'll only make things worse. keep a clear mind and just hope that whatever it is she is trying to say, it isn't what you think it is.

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I agree with Lucas. Is it possible her reason of unhappiness is because something is lacking in your 'friendship'. Honestly I don't know what to dub you guys because you make it sound as if you guys are a couple and at the same time not.


Is she looking for intimacy or stuff of that nature you're not providing?

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