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When your ex and a friend date

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So, my ex dumped me almost 4 weeks ago. When he did, my friend was there for me 24/7. She had been recently dumped too so she comforted me, made me happy, did all of the normal stuff that a friend does during a break up.


However, she has 2 classes at school with my ex. they started out doing homework and i got really upset about it... so i mentioned to my ex that i thought they were hooking up...


point is, later on they started to spend a lot of time together... doing home work, going out to eat, movies, hanging out on the weekend, going to parties together... he even got a dog and she helped him train it...


they claim nothing is going on and i dont know if there is a romantic connection or not... but i know that it bothers me they hang out so much. i think that they are acting like they are dating. however, since i told u she recently broke up with her bf as well, they could be hanging out a lot because they are both lonely...


i mentioned to her that it bothered me they hang out but she didnt care... what do i do

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There is nothing further that you can say to your ex. He is over and done with. But your friend on the other hand isnt exactly playing her friend role. You need to put your foot down and tell her fthat stop hanging out with your ex or its over with her too!!!!


If your friend is messing around with him then Im sure it didnt just start after you two broke up. In that case she wasnt a real friend in the first place.

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