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first date jitters

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I am a 28yo with a history of dating guys who have lied and cheated. I have worked for 4 years now to change that habit and believe I have had some success. Tomorrow I have a first date with a guy Im really into but I found out this evening that he has been flirting on myspace with one of my top 8 friends. This has made me very nervous and uncertain of the sincerity of his interest. Any advice?

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Did you meet him on myspace?


Is your friend interested in him, too?


Did they meet on myspace?


I guess that it seems logical to say don't worry about it unless it continues after the first date...BUT...I'd be annoyed and uncertain, too.


On one hand, you can't expect him not to flirt, especially when you're not in a relationship, and have never even had date 1 yet. But on the other hand, you'd think he'd have enough decency to at least not flirt with your friends!

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