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How to tell???

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How can you really tell when a guy is just a friend or has real interest? I'm not referring to the "looks into your eyes a few extra seconds" or "puffs his chest out" kinda things. I mean he does do some body language signs sometimes, then sometimes not. I mean we have gotten really close he has revealed alot of his inner thougts to me. He confides in me how he feels about alot of things. Thing is sometimes he seems to want to be around me all the time and sometimes I'll ask him to hang out and he would rather just sit around his house...Sometimes when I'm at his house he is talking just to me and paying me alot of attention, then at other times he seems to hardly acknowledge I'm there. He's hates texting, but now usually texts me once a day or a least once every few days sometimes multiple times. We don't talk daily, but usually at least once a week on the phone for an hour or so. I just don't want to read in and see only the things I want to see. If there is chemistry and feelings there more than anything I want to explore them, but if there isn't I don't want to be left feeling the sting. PLEASE let me hear your ideas and suggestions on how to proceed.

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It's really just a "feeling". Like I have read every where to follow my gut and my gut is telling me that he is really interested. I just don't want to be hearing the wrong things! And we don't have continuous eye contact, but when we do it's like his eyes are confessing his feelings towards me. I'm in sales and make eye contact with lots of people ALL THE TIME, but I have never been swept away by someone's eyes like this before. He tells me about problems he is having about where he wants to go in life. We share our religious beliefs and the way we feel about the current relationships with have with people in our lives he tells me what he enjoyed doing when he was a teenager etc. Sometimes it is really in depth emotional stuff, sometimes he is just complaining about things/ people that are aggravating him and sometimes it's just all fun and laughs.

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