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BF going through a divorce

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I am hoping someone else has been through what I am going through. My partner of a year has been legally separated from his wife for almost a year. She moved out 2.5 years ago. He is going through a divorce now, all the assets have already been divided, however she is stalling at signing the papers. I love my partner dearly and want to stick this out with him, but sometimes it is tough. Eventually, I do believe she will sign the papers, jsut have no idea when. Has anyone been through this situation and kept their sanity, as well as their partner?

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I was in a similar predicament and it is very tough. But this book was recommended to me, I never did find it at my local bookstore but then I forgot about it:



How to Survive Your Boyfriend's Divorce: Loving Your Seperated Man Without Losing Your Mind



It's gotten good reviews...


hope it helps ;)

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This happened to a good friend of mine. Her H was an addict who dragged things out forever. I was shocked at how one spouse can do this; it really seems unfair.


Just hang in there. Make sure he does everything by the book, even if it's stupid (like going to court meetings when he knows she won't be there). Eventually some judge will realize what is going on and grant the divorce.


Good luck; I feel for you!

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Do you know why she is stalling with signing the paperwork?


I have done this in the past, not for any horrible reason, just couldn't be bothered dealing with it or in one case, if I applied I had to pay for it and couldn't get the money together. When you're paying bills and a mortgage and raising three children, the hundreds of dollars required for the application doesn't quite fit into the budget ahead of groceries, school books, and electricity.


However, if my exH had made the application (I applied both times), then I wouldn't have stalled. For me, it was the effort and finances that delayed me in doing anything about it.


The first time I had already bought a house with my new partner (so the property was all settled obviously) and had a baby with him before I applied for divorce, so it wasn't about not moving on or not wanting to be divorced. It just seemed like a moot point at the time, the least of my worries. It bugged the **** out of my partner, but that's another topic altogether.

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My exH stalled on me for 4 years. I was just patient. I knew eventually he would find someone we wanted to marry and he would agree to the D and sign the papers. And that's what happened.


He waited so long to mail the D paper work back to me that I could not file them (He had signed them and a petitioner only has so many days from the date on the paperwork to file it). His woman got nervous because we were doing it ourselves. I didn't want to pay for attorney fees and I just went to the law library and typed out our own petition. This just didn't sit well with her so her parents ended up paying for the D. :lmao:


I know it's hard to wait it out. There could be some emotional issue that keeps her from signing. It could be a desire to hang on, fear of the unknown and it's easier to be married on paper or just a wish to be spiteful. Eventually, she'll sign. If she doesn't ..he could always sue to push the issue forward. It's more expensive but it would force her hand.

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