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Does he like me?


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I've known this guy, D for more than a year. We're from the same club in school. A few weeks ago, I realized that I like him. But I did not tell anyone about it or hint to him.



Last Thursday, he was supposed to meet me in school in the morning to return me a card. I sent him a message to hurry him to school because I was going out with another friend. He replied saying that he would not be coming to school anymore and would meet me at wherever I was going to return me the card.

That night, I sent him a message thanking him for making the trip to return me the card. His reply was "No problem. Hey, free tomorrrow evening? Night Safari." (Night Safari is a wildlife park built to be viewed at night) I was surprised as he was asking me out! Anyway I agreed and his next reply was "Ok. Got enough money? Entrance fee is $15. I can subsidise some hehe. Can you meet me at ... at 6pm?"



So I met him the next evening and we took a bus to Night Safari. He paid for my ticket and we went around the park like any other normal visitors. We had fun and he said it was good to visit places like this, especially at night, since we can spend the day studying and go out at night to relax. He said he was going to find out about more places like this. He told me to keep my ticket as we would be able to get discounts for our next visit to another tourist attraction. We separated at about 11+pm. He did not send me home but sent me a message later on saying "Yar, it's me. The animals are fighting a losing battle. Please remember the 4Rs - reuse, reduce, recycle & replant. Hope you have enjoyed yourself this evening." I was happy to receive the message as this was the first time he initiated sending me a message.



Well, for the next 5 days, he did not contact me at all. So yesterday, I plucked up my courage and sent him a message, asking him about his preparation for our school examinations next week. He replied and also added that he was going out with this girl, A, 2 days later. (She is this girl from my former school. He told me that they got to know each other a couple of years ago and were close friends. But they haven't met up for a long time.)



Anyway, my question is does he like me? At first, I was rather hopeful since he was asking me out and stuffs. But after that, he did not contact me for so many days etc.

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At first I was going to tell you if he went to a zoo with you, he likes you.


But then I got to the 4 Rs part. So now I'm just thinking he likes flowers and plants and gardens and animals and lions and bears OH MY! Yarrrr....


i dunno what to tell you. Why not ask him out?

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Haha... Hey thanks for the reply :D



Oh I forgot to mention that the 4Rs thingy was a message which the wildlife park kept repeating. So, I guess he was probably being lame about it...



Hmmm.. yeah I used to think that he liked me but he didn't contact me and he is going out with another girl tomorrow. So I'm rather confused now.



*sigh* I'm too shy to ask him out at the moment.

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Originally posted by winnieloveshunny


Oh I forgot to mention that the 4Rs thingy was a message which the wildlife park kept repeating. So, I guess he was probably being lame about it...


Ha, ok, nah I'd say he was being cute with the 4Rs thing. I thought that was like... a personal matra of his or something.


Well it is kind of random for him to mention this girl. IE, if i was interested in a girl, I wouldn't mention any other girls around her, for fear she might think i was going with them. Ya know?


So... hmm... I'd wait it out a bit. Maybe msg him again. Wait how old are you? Still in school right? Well... I gotta tell ya most guys would find it a big turn on if a girl asked him out. And at least that way you get an answer. But i know, its hard to do that sometimes. Hey think of the guys! We usually have to do it.

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People usually don't ask each other out if they aren't interested.


But there are exceptions to every rule.


But I don't think this is one of those moments.


You should (since you are shy) just mention how easy it is for you to talk to him and that it isn't easy for you to open up to most people or something to that effect instead of asking him out.


Then he will know that you think of him apart of the rest.


Good luck! But I think the stars are already in your favor! :love:

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*lol* I laughed when I read his message too actually ;)



Oh okie.. I get what you mean. I'm having mixed thoughts about him telling me he was going out with her too.



Yeap I'm still a student. 18 years old. Hehehe.. I know it's a bit unfair for the guys to do the asking most of the time too. But I'm not very prepared presently to ask him out, until maybe I get some signs from him that he might like me?






Yeah I thought he was interested too when asked me out so suddenly. He has never proposed any outings with the club members and he hardly goes out with us although he often hangs out in our club room and is a close friend of ours.



Hmmm.. I'm ok with talking to him in school. But I'm not prepared to ask him out yet. Hehehe.. hey your suggestions are good!



I sure hope that the stars are in my favour! :D Thanks steff!

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He replied and also added that he was going out with this girl, A, 2 days later. (She is this girl from my former school. He told me that they got to know each other a couple of years ago and were close friends. But they haven't met up for a long time.)


Is this a "date" thing or an "old friends getting together" thing? Did he specify? If it is a date, I don't think he would share it with you if he was interested in dating you. That would be asinine. If it is a friends thing, then you have nothing to worry about.


I find it odd that he didn't contact you for five days after your date. That's a pretty long time, but then again, some guys tend to have a pretty skewed view of time. :bunny: I disagree with the advice that you should ask him out. I think you should just play it cool, contact him every now and then, and see what he does next.

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I think it's an old friends get together thingy because a week before he asked me out, we had a group outing at the beach. That was when he asked me whether I know this girl and he told me how he got to know her. He was supposed to meet her on that day itself but she couldn't make it. He was the one who proposed the meeting I think, since he told me he was packing his room the other day and found a postcard which she sent him more than a year ago, wishing him good luck for his exams.

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