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Wierd Girl


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I actually feel wierd doing this because it makes me feel like freak, but Im not not, but it still makes me feel like it. Well Im in highschool and after three dry years I've finally gotten infatuated by this girl. I've known her for a few monthes now, but she seems shy around guys, mostly because I hardly ever see her talk to anyone openly except other girls(except one dude who pesters her and she screams at him). I find her incrediblyattractive and I want her to be with her so bad, but shes incredibly hard to talk to. Never in my highschool career have I met someone so hard to talk to, but it figures...its the one I like. I try my best to muster up some courage and speak to her, but shes more visual then talkative. Like today I said "oh you like reading?" and all she does it flash me the book, not a word. Determined I ask "how far are you in it?" and she simply checks the page numbers, opens it , and shows me...she doesnt say a word. However when one of her female friends comes along shes chat like no tomorrow.


I was so close one time when she had another book and I asked what was it about. She smiled and gave a few enthusiastic words, but her friend cut her off and explained it herself, I said thanks, but I was mad she did that...when she finally spoke to me...also she has problems with looking. She doesnt really look at me alot, Im not sure why, but she'll stand infront of me for a few minutes and stare at my feet. then walk away when Im too much of a coward to say anything.


So whats the deal? Is she shy? Is she afriad of me or simply not interested?

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So whats the deal? Is she shy? Is she afriad of me or simply not interested?


Could be any of the above.. or all of the above...


Be patient.. she's probably just not ready yet.


Are you in high school?

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yes I am in highschool. I would be patient, but monthes of being completely infatuated with her makes it hard n_n;;. Im afraid she may know I like her, but she doesnt seem any different or care, so I guess she doesnt know. Shes super cute though.

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You say she stares at your shoes when she stands in front of you. How does she end up in front of you? Is it when ever you just randomly end up near her, or does she enter your space and just hang there staring at your shoes? Cause if she puts herself there, she's just awkward but has definitely noticed you with interest.

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She usually tags along with one of her friends(always other girls). However when her friend sees me or another one of my friends near she usually forgets her and comes talking to us(or grabs onto one of my friends who hates it very much, which is why she keeps doing it). I usually laugh and let my friend continue with his misery, I usually turn and there she is infront of me, staring down at me, usually frowning. However a few times she takes a big sigh, glances at me, then walks away toward her friend when I...am too nervous to say anything.


Like I said she doesnt talk much so because she doesnt talk to me usually...I just think its no interest, but she does little things like these that always make me second guess. Also like I said too, she mayknow i have interest in her.

Edited by Crazyforgir
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