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What do i do? !!!


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Where to start....ok... my friend has been with this girl for 3 years... problem is she's not happy....she's always crying and sad cuz of him.. my friends girlfriend is the girl of any guys dream.... the problem is he treats her like crap... i've known her for a while now.... and i've gotten to know who she really is... she is now my co-worker... and since we've worked together we've gotten closer... now, when i see her she just makes my day.... i love to see her smile.... and i actually can't wait to got to work... we can chit chat for hours.... we tell eachother everything.... and now she sends me mixed signals as if she's interested in me....the thing is, I'm falling for her, scratch that, I've fallen for her. What should i do???? please help.

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suggest you go out with her and get her to ditch your friend.

If he treats her badly - and you know her treats her badly - do you really want to be associated with a guy like that?

reputation sticks.

If people see you hanging around with him, they paint you with the same brush.

Ditch him, go out with her.

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First and foremost, do not agree to see her behind this guy's back. If you do that, you will find yourself stuck as the "on the side" guy, and stuck in a relationship that survives only as long as the lies hold up. You need to make your intentions known, but also make it crystal clear that you do not date women who are involved with someone else. Let her know that you want to be with her, and if she wants to be with you she needs to take care of unfinished business first. Let her come to you legitimately. You'll be a whole lot happier in the end if you do.


If she refuses to break up with her boyfriend, then end your 'friendship' with her. It will be clear if she does that, that she is only using you to fill in the gaps in her existing relationship. If you are ok with being used as filler material, then by all means continue. If you are not, then you will have to walk away.


If she wants to be with you, she will break up with her boyfriend and make herself legitimately available. If she only sort of wants to be with you, she'll stick you with the "OM" position.

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