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heartbroken/work toguether.

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Ive posted a thread back in june of last year....My ex boyfriend and I were toguether and living for 1 year and 4 months, then on and off after that for 4 months. eventually my ex and I got back toguether in august 2007. He forgave me but ofcoarse he wont forget. ( I cheated on him once and then at another time i left him for another guy.) We got back toguether and we agreed to take it slow this time. Our relationship lasted for 2 months, it ended in october 2007. At this time i had gotten in to a car accident didnt have a car, I was in a bad situation. He called me one day and told me things arent working out. so i said okay no problem. So mind you, I see him Monday - Friday everyday because we work toguether. It's been 3 months since we broke up( october 2007). I am very heart broken...because I love this man and i know i did wrong but he forgave me? it is worse that i cant get over him, since i see him at work. These couple of weeks he has been trying to talk to me, such as trying to be funny, joking around, looking at me, offering me cookies, and just staring at me. He also tries to make me jealous with other girls in the office. So, i gave it a shot by calling him to ask him if we could get back toguether. He said "No, its not going to happen we both have moved on and its for the best of us. I never had a problem being friends as long as its in the office." (also mind, we have not been friends after we broke up)My friend also saw him having lunch with a woman. So I dont know what to think...or do?? I love this guy, but everyone tells me to move on and let go. :/ How can I get over him if I work with him? or Should I expect him to come back one day? Help!!

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It seems like your ex has moved on with his life so you should do the same. I understand it is extremely hard to try to get over someone who you see everyday but you have to cope with it or find other employment. Im sure he took you back because he still cared about you and wanted to give it another shot, but its hard when someone has cheated on you to reconcile. He feels like he can never trust you again.


Also, sounds like he is engaging in conversation with you because he wants things to be civil between you two, I mean you two do work together. I wouldnt feed his ego any further by asking to be back with him. Dont let him see that you are still hurting and vulnerable.


Lastly, he may be trying to make you jealous or he may not. Its possible that he love work affairs and is going to lunch with another woman because he has an interest in her, and it has nothing to do with making you jealous.


Just be cordial with him and continue the small talk , but thats it!

Edited by EYECANDY000
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Thanks. Since I know him very well, I know he is stubbourn and has too much pride. I know very well he still loves me but he doesnt want to deal with the fact I cheated on him and I feel like he is doing this to get back at me. I wouldnt think of changing employment...its a very good job. my friends tell me to date other people and I would eventually get over him. As much as I want to move on and date...I dont want to date other people...ive been alone for these 3 months we havent been toguether. It is amazing how the script changes. :confused: . But I am trying everything in the world to move on.

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I have to ask why did you cheat on him and why did you dump him for another guy. This does not sound like somebody who loves somebody like you say you do. What would you be thinking if the roles had been reversed?

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I have to ask why did you cheat on him and why did you dump him for another guy. This does not sound like somebody who loves somebody like you say you do. What would you be thinking if the roles had been reversed?



I guess I got caught up with the attention I was getting from both and I felt like I was on top of the world...At the same time I knew it was wrong. I didnt want to keep hurting my boyfriend anymore so I told him I was leaving..didnt tell him why, but he later figured it out. Then I dumped the guy whom I was cheating with and my boyfriend gave me another chance. Then 4 months later I met this other guy...and I ended up leaving again, and later he dumped me after a 1 month relationship. I dont consider the second guy cheating since I never did anything with him till after I broke up with my boyfriend. But after all the wrong doing I did I see how much I love my ex boyfriend. If it were me in his shoes ( which Ive been there once) it would hurt like hell. I completely undestand why he is how he is. Ive learned my lesson and whatver goes around come around and kicks you in the ass twice harder.

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I am really sorry for you but I can really understand your boyfriend's unwillingness to try again. You have dumped him twice to go and be with other men. Why in the world would he believe that you would not do it again? I really do not know how you could make him put his heart on the line like this again. I am sure he feels like a fool and I am sure his friends are telling him the same thing. I don't know what the answer is for you but I wish you luck.

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