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what do i do in this situation?

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I have known this girl for about 7 months now. We met at the end of the school year last year and hung out and really got to know each other and developed a strong connection, however, I was dealing with some family issues and didn't see her much in summer. We kept in touch though, and since then we have hung out a lot and I even took her to a concert some of our friends were going to, though we sat together, alone. The one problem is that I am a sophomore in high school and she is a senior. She does act at least like she cares for me, frequently telling me I'm her favorite person and how she thinks I am the best. She always wants a hug and I know she likes me on a personal level at least. We laugh all the time and she and her older friends, juniors and seniors, obviously find me mature enough to hang out with and attend parties with etc. What do I do, all the energy ive spent on this girl and I am deeply in love! I don't know what to explain to her without comprimising everything...

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Is there someone her age that she is dating, or interested in? Would you know if there were?


I wouldn't recommend asking her on a date or pouring your heart out. She's a senior and will be graduating soon. You're in a different place. She may like hanging out with you, but dating you is probably a very different situation.


Sorry, maybe one of the other girls. Even a junior would be a better fit...

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