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When I am drunk I am apt to say things that I might feel.... but it's usually an exaggerated version. I think that's why people who wouldn't fool around sober might do so when drunk.


It depends on the situation though. I have told someone I liked them when I was drunk and woke up the next day wondering what came over me.


If two people have a more established connection, alcohol might bring out sincerity.

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It's a little truth behind it.But when someone is intoxicated the truth tend to be more obnoxious or more over the top.

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any truth behind things said when 2 people are intoxicated? Just wondering your opinions.


I think there is always some truth to what you say when "intoxicated"... You say things you're not afraid to say when sober. I have friends who cringe when being forced to watch video of their drunken ramblings.

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Prodigal Princess

Everyone's different. When I'm really trashed, I tend to tell elaborate lies, for absolutely no reason. This has made for many cringe-worthy moments the next day. :o


I agree with you D-Lish. I remember a 21st I went to years ago and I had the best time ever. I always remember it as a great party. A few weeks ago I was shown a few photos from the night and my god, I just looked like a skanky drunk. :sick: Makes me re-think a whole lot of other memories I have... Well, at least I'm having fun!

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OMG, just the thought of seeing myself loaded on video is enough to make me join AA.


I had the privilege of seeing myself on video recently... It was not good! I was embarrassed for myself. I was rambling and being very obnoxious - asking the dumbest questions, in between bouts of space staring and giggling. It was sad and amusing at the same time.

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I think when people are intoxicated they speak in extremes. On one end, they will speak the truth. On the other, they'll speak the biggest amount of BS possible to hurt, to joke, to feel good about themselves, to feel attractive, whatever. But drunken talk = extremes. Often it is the truth, what they wouldn't normally say.

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any truth behind things said when 2 people are intoxicated? Just wondering your opinions.


I think some truth can be spoken, and plenty of other word's very well exaggerated. just my opinion.



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Ok, basically the point behind this post was, I slept over at a friends house, she is amazing, and she told me to come sleep in her bed instead of on the couch. Well we got to talking, and basically I said, "I wish you were single". And she replied, "I don't think my bf and I are going to be working out, so I should be single soon". Then she went more indepth to what she meant by that. So even though she was drunk, do you think there was any thruth behind it? And if so do you think it's worth saying anything?


One other thing, we were not hammered or anything, just kind of tipsy.

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There's some truth to anything that comes out of a person's mouth, unless they are completely and deliberately lying for some purpose. That doesn't mean it's THE truth, or who they are in total. Truth, in relation to what people desire or feel at any given moment, isn't some immutable thing. People have moments of weakness (and strength) but it doesn't necessarily define who they are or what they believe on an ongoing basis.


But that's getting too abstract. In regards to your situation: yeah, it sounds like she is, on some level, interested in you -- or at least, SOMEONE who she feels like is giving her something, or could potentially give her something, that she feels like she's not getting in her present relationship. Maybe it's just about you specifically, or maybe it's just about her craving a certain kind of attention from anyone within a certain spectrum, who knows. If you want to avoid a mess and be a real friend, though, I'd suggest leaving her to figure out whether she's in a relationship or not before getting entangled. Whether she's happy in her current relationship or not, it seems disrespectful and dishonest of her to invite someone else into her bed and converse with them so intimately while she is still in the relationship. If you had a girlfriend and you two were going through a rough patch, how would you feel about her doing that with a male friend of hers?

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Thank you for your guys' advice. I think I'll wait and see what happens and not bring it up. And the whole sleeping in her bed, I was told they broke up, so at first I didn't see any harm in it.

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I hate this game we call getting a relationship started. Last night I was leaving her house I gave her a hug, and she actually said "I don't want to let go". #*()#*_)#*#_. I hate being single and not knowing how to do this dating thing. Why can't women just be forward?

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It's difficult to ascertain which type of person she is and the type of interaction you have with her.


It's not that some women aren't straight-forward, it's a little more complex than that, for a number of different reasons. Men and women, when it comes to romantic interactions, give off different signals, say different things but overall, both genders want the same thing. The only problem is that wanting, needing and meshing with someone, can sometimes be three different things. While no one should ever need someone else, each person needs a different composite of characteristics, from their romantic liasons, in order to get it all going.

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Absolutely...but it's usually the kind of truth better left kept to yourself!! I was buzzing pretty good when I gave a guy an "all or nothing" ultimatum...maybe the truth, but definitely exaggerated and not something I'd do sober...now I'm paying for that mistake.


Alcohol is known to make people feel more relaxed and more comfortable socially, so it's probably the best "truth juice" out there...

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