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Bought a new Home today The Adventure Begins!

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When I decided to do this move in January, I didn't believe for a minute that more than a couple of weeks would pass before we "ran into each other"... after all she had always said that the town was "so small" and that she knew everybody. Six months later that obviously wasn't the true situation. I have been all over this town, to every state and county office, to stores, to furniture stores, many of the eating places, grocery stores, etc.


I'm sure that part of the new found comfort and peace that I feel here is because it is now apparent that we could both live here comfortably, living completely seperate lives. It isn't the fishbowl I believed it was just eight months ago.


That is strange that you two havn't seen each other in this amount of time. Is it possible that she may have passed away? Like you havn't thought of it, but, it's possible.

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That is strange that you two havn't seen each other in this amount of time. Is it possible that she may have passed away? Like you havn't thought of it, but, it's possible.


Umm, no - impossible - they have been emailing & talking on the phone!

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Maybe she moved to his old town and does the reverse.




Oh my gosh!!! Wouldn't that be hysterical??? Well...kinda.


LakeSide, what's the latest with you? Hope you're doing well.

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Umm, no - impossible - they have been emailing & talking on the phone!



I musta missed that post!

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I've finally figured out how you play this LSD. You continue what you're doing and become prominent within the community. Let your prominence evoke awareness of your presence to MW. By doing it this way you have no impact on how she proceeds within her own marriage nor what emotions she grapples with as a cause of your presence. If she comes to you then let it be on terms yet undefined and not because you imposed terms of conclusion! This way you'll know what you've got when you have it.



Pelecanpreacher... that's exactly what I came up with all by "my own self"... I never had it in me to "force" a situation, or coerce in any way. I knew it was the time (give or take a year) to come to a conclusion one way or the other.


I lucked out moving here. I had heard nothing but horror stories (mostly from her, but others too) about the heat here in the Summer, and it is hot. I'm an old guy though, I'm not forced outside to work, or earn. The locals don't think to much of the heat either, it's the tourists who stand in the middle of a parking lot at noon complaining about the heat.


Things are going fine... life is good.

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  • 1 month later...

Dude, you've got to update us at least once a month. We're still hanging on the edges of our seats... I know it's a real life that matters, I don't want to see you hurt, and I don't mean to be glib, but you've set us up with a story that has opposing tensions that haven't been resolved yet, so it's hard not to jump at the chance to hear the next chapter...


...of course there is the intent to put "some pressure" on her. It would be ridictulous to claim otherwise.


I never had it in me to "force" a situation, or coerce in any way.
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I also am very anxious to find out how things have been and whether or not she knows you're living minutes away. Hopefully all is well with you!

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What makes you think that? :confused: He moved out there quite awhile ago and still hasn't made his presence in her town known to her.

He has a new business grand opening coming up, as mentioned here in the thread awhile back.....it may have already happened, I don't know. Small town, business opening, people talk.... :)

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Which is presumably why Lake has been MIA from here lately.


It's amazing how real life can take precedence lol


Hope we do have an update and some action soon, this has to be one of the longest "cliffhangers" ever.

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It's worse than waiting until the next season to see who shot J.R.!


One of the main reasons I get on this site is to see if there are any updates from Lakeside, considering in the past I've thought about doing exactly what he's doing!

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Well all.. cheers ! It's been hectic the last few weeks to say the least. Carhill was correct, today was the "grand opening" of my new business, and a very successful one.


I had a great deal of radio advertising, and a fair amound of print, including a print ad and new business announcement in the local daily newspaper.


A small bit of "back story". I believed when I moved here that everyone knew everyone, there were no secrets here, blah blah. It's a medium small town with a permenant population of a bit over 50,000. My gal always has told me that you couldn't pass wind here without irritating people across town.


When I first got here in March, I did nothing to conceal my presense. Phones are listed and published, care registered, lots of stuff purchased and delivered from local stores etc. I thought I'd be "exposed" in the first couple of weeks. Not so. I even ran into people I had met when were were dating, including her best friend, I asked them not to tell her I have moved here. They agreed, and haven't said a word, much to my amazement, they are her girlfriends


Time passed and I wasn't "discovered". I decided to start living, including coming out of my semi retirement and opening a business. Assuming of course that it would become obvious at some point. It hasn't / didn't.


It seems to be a lot bigger, more private town than she thinks it is.


So, grand opening. My voice on hundreds of radio adds on all three local stations. My picture (inside) the newspaper. Not a peep from her indicating that she had a clue I have moved here. That this would be possible has come as a complete suprise to me. My passive plan has not worked.


So... I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I'm gonna give it a week or so to work up my courage and just walk up to her and say "HI Beautiful !". I'm tired of waiting for it to happen accidentially.


I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Might as well get the ball rolling. I'm well along in forging a stable and valuable presense in the community. I'm working, and making a good income. What else could a gal want?


If you have it in your hearts, wish me luck all.

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What's that expression about there's "no fool like an old fool?."


Why is that coming to mind now?

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Lakeside, she may already know you're here. How do you know for sure that her GF's haven't told her?? I find it very hard to believe they haven't... after all, their loyalties to her are stronger than they are to you.


I hope you're prepared for the possibility that she knows... and has no desire to contact you. The reception may be quite chilly when you do see her.

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So... I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I'm gonna give it a week or so to work up my courage and just walk up to her and say "HI Beautiful !". I'm tired of waiting for it to happen accidentially.


Sounds wonderful!


Go for it Lake!


Now you are ready. You bought the house, got settled, opened a business... and who knows, maybe she heard about you already and is trying to figure out if it's you and why you haven't told her. Who knows.


Might as well tell her yourself, now.


Best of luck!

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I even ran into people I had met when were were dating, including her best friend, I asked them not to tell her I have moved here. They agreed, and haven't said a word, much to my amazement, they are her girlfriends

Remember that, objectively, you have no way of knowing that they haven't said a word. You don't yet have any indication that she knows, but that doesn't mean they didn't tell her.


After all, hasn't the continued existence of your relationship pretty much depended, paradoxically, both on careful control of information and at the same time, betrayals of confidences? At any given moment, which is more likely?


Lakeside, she may already know you're here. How do you know for sure that her GF's haven't told her?? I find it very hard to believe they haven't... after all, their loyalties to her are stronger than they are to you.


I hope you're prepared for the possibility that she knows... and has no desire to contact you. The reception may be quite chilly when you do see her.

...and if they haven't told her, and she eventually finds out that they did know and didn't tell her.... Again, confidences breached, loyalties questioned. So many paradoxes.

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OB and Trim. I believe it because they told me so. I see them both regulary and both had indicated that it's "my" secret, and my business to spring the suprise when I want to. What's not to believe?


Generally I take folks at their words. These two gals think it's gonna be great fun when the time comes.


At my (our) age, there is more to life than drama. I know I wouldn't "tell" if the situation was reversed. My hope is that they know it will be a good thing.

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At my (our) age, there is more to life than drama. I know I wouldn't "tell" if the situation was reversed. My hope is that they know it will be a good thing


How naive. Wow. Do you honestly think that at our age drama just stops? Wow.


Just keep the hope alive.


I wish you nothing but the best but you're silly to think that those people are on your side. They're not, honey. No one thinks that what you're doing is a good thing.


Look elsewhere for your happiness, won't you?

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How naive. Wow. Do you honestly think that at our age drama just stops? Wow.


Just keep the hope alive.


I wish you nothing but the best but you're silly to think that those people are on your side. They're not, honey. No one thinks that what you're doing is a good thing.


Look elsewhere for your happiness, won't you?


Wow, when did you get so jaded? That's sad if you think that way.

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Yippee, Lakeside!!! I'm so excited for you. But I do have one question - based on what she said about her town, are you sure you're in the right place? Now wouldn't that be the berries....


Ok, just kidding. Keep us posted. This is like those soapies where the show ends with a word or comment that keeps you hanging. I know she's going to be so happy to know you're there. Then again, maybe she does know and is pacing the floors with excitement already, just waiting for you to contact her. If it were me and I knew my honey had moved close by and hadn't told me, I wouldn't go to him but I'd be bouncing off the walls with excitement.

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Sorry, I didn't know it was about "sides". I thought it was about respecting other people. My bad.


I'm kinda sorry I posted an update.

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Sorry, I didn't know it was about "sides". I thought it was about respecting other people. My bad.


I'm kinda sorry I posted an update.


Lakeside, you're always going to get crappy comments from certain people around here. I know they're hurtful but try to ignore them. So many of us are pulling for you and care so much about you and your situation. Don't let the others ruin your happiness. You know why you're doing what you're doing and you've explained it enough times.

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Heck.. I think the story that has developed over your move , leaving your old life and setting up your life entirely new from the get go and setting up a new business is great...


Not many people reinvent their lives like you have and even go out and start a business to boot..

What a huge undertaking and task...


I see your life as a win win right now.. if she tells you she doesn't wish a future with you it is still a win...IMO

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