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I think its a female. I have a sister who is rather embittered and asks weird, off-the-topic questions of people in social arenas, and it is always awkward. Somehow, I cannot see a Man acting this way! -- you know, hung up on little details, and calling women sluts and prostitutes etc.

The only way I can understand SignedIn/etc etc is that she feels Better Than Others on these boards by being mean... clearly she hasn't got much going for her in real life.

Why else would she consistently post in such a Negative way??




Athena, (and others) I didn't pay any attention to Sky or whoever it was. My emotions are anything but fragile. There's only one key to my soul, and I gave it away long ago. Folks with grudges or their own saddness have to live in their saddness. I would feel bad for them if I actually cared.


That being said. Thanks all for your good thoughts. It's fun and bittersweet to revisit this thread, and always interesting.

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You've been with her before, including an affair with her. Now, that you've intentionally moved to her area, and yet, when you're alone with her for coffee, lunch, etc., you didn't even make a move. Something is going on inside of you, Lake. I think it might be your conscience telling you not to push it, persue it, or go near it.

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You've been with her before, including an affair with her. Now, that you've intentionally moved to her area, and yet, when you're alone with her for coffee, lunch, etc., you didn't even make a move. Something is going on inside of you, Lake. I think it might be your conscience telling you not to push it, persue it, or go near it.


Sky, we are both "way" grown up as you would say. I certainly "made my move". I didn't grab her ass, or hit her on the head with a club and drag her to my cave.


It's common sense not to "push it, persue it" causing her pain wasn't / isn't an option. She knows where I am. If she needs me, I'm here.

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I certainly "made my move".



Was your "move" as as strong as those moves that initiated the affair with her years ago? If no, don't you think it's your conscience holding you back?

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I think its a female. I have a sister who is rather embittered and asks weird, off-the-topic questions of people in social arenas, and it is always awkward. Somehow, I cannot see a Man acting this way! -- you know, hung up on little details, and calling women sluts and prostitutes etc.

The only way I can understand SignedIn/etc etc is that she feels Better Than Others on these boards by being mean... clearly she hasn't got much going for her in real life.

Why else would she consistently post in such a Negative way??


People shoudl just start ignoring/blocking her. As long as people respond, she'll keep asking her ignorant questions and insulting people. Being banned for doing so hasn't stopped her, so I think perhaps just ignoring her will eventually work. Or just blocking her, then no one has to see her. Argh!


Lake, good to hear you are at a calm place. I wish I could get there. One day at a time eh?

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<sigh> THAT is so sweet...:love:


Isn't it just? LsD is far and away the most romantic soul here on LS!

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White Flower
Was your "move" as as strong as those moves that initiated the affair with her years ago? If no, don't you think it's your conscience holding you back?

I reckon, as gentlemanly as Lakey is, that he allowed all first moves to come from the lady. She is a take-charge kind of gal and Lakey is very respectful of her.

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Hello LakesideDream,


I have no doubt that as this door closes. another is opening for you. Best wishes for your future.

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People shoudl just start ignoring/blocking her. As long as people respond, she'll keep asking her ignorant questions and insulting people. Being banned for doing so hasn't stopped her, so I think perhaps just ignoring her will eventually work. Or just blocking her, then no one has to see her. Argh!


Lake, good to hear you are at a calm place. I wish I could get there. One day at a time eh?


I think I know who "sky" is, and it is not a she. While he has many controversial things to say, this person has as much a right as any to say their piece.

After saying that, I really feel that we should all sympathize with a persons pain. Please, whoever "sky" may be, remember that we are all human.

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I think I know who "sky" is, and it is not a she. While he has many controversial things to say, this person has as much a right as any to say their piece.

After saying that, I really feel that we should all sympathize with a persons pain. Please, whoever "sky" may be, remember that we are all human.


Mistresswitchillins... I loved reading your above post. It tells me that you are well down that healing path. You are already in a place where you can feel the pain in others, instead of only being able to feel your own pain. That's a fantastic thing !


It wasn't that many months ago that you couldn't visualize a time or situation where you could be happy again. I'm very happy this has changed for you. You are so young, with such possibilities ahead, it's great that you are in position to enjoy and take advantage of it.


Kudo's to you kiddo! Kudo's!

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  • 1 month later...
Full Of Hope

Hi Lakeside. I’ve read this thread from beginning to end. I took a break for awhile, but I thought about you today and wanted to see if anything had happened. I was so sad to read your February post. It literally brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been an OW for just under a year now, and reading this thread gave me the daily dose of hope I needed for quite some time. It took so much courage to do what you did, and I’m sure OW’s around the world were rooting for you just like I was. We may not have been posting, but we were definitely there...


I’m really taken aback by what happened. I just knew you were going to get the girl. Your actions were heroic...no question. My heart goes out to you…and I wish you all the best. Good luck to you Lakeside.

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I'm with you Hope. Read the whole thing beginning to end. Been OW for longer than I like to admit ;) Lakeside IS a hero, and you're probably right about OW's from all around cheering him on. I know I was.

All my best to you Lake, and to you Hope. I hope everything works out for you.

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Ah shucks! Thank you for caring. I've been withdrawn and distant (from her) for the months since February. Not "NC" but actually less than casually. I have the ability and oppertunity to see her almost any day I might choose. She works in a very busy public place and I can "drop by" anytime the urge strikes me. She has the ability, and is willing to spend impromptu time if I drop by. Sadly the urge hasn't struck me at the right time.


Often late in the evening I think about "dropping by" just to say hi and smile at her. Nothing more. By morning the urge has passed. Reading the last couple of posts has made me lonely for her. Likely that feeling will pass by morning too, but who knows eh?


Life otherwise is good, business is good even in this economy. I have no pressure on me whatsoever. I've have aquired a new (old) habit. I now spend an hour a night, directly before bedtime listening to music I love on my ancient (but fabulous) HiFi. Of course most of it is sappy romantic stuff, but what the heck, it's kind of like a vaccination. Listening, really listening to "those songs" knowing the lyrics, enjoying the music makes me feel good, not lonely. There is nothing like "The Music of Your Life" to keep your heart alive. And an added bonus, it's kinda a new hobby.


Back to the top. Yes a big reason for not visiting is that it hurts me. I'm not "right" for days, I'm loggy, and lonely and probably depressed although I refused to even consider the possibility of "depression", I call it "the blues" and there isn't much positive for me in feeling that way. I'm not jealous, or anxious. I'm certainly not impatient. I suppose I'd call it being "in neutral" if I had to put my feelings into a word or two. Still... There is always the hope that somehow, someway.... someday.


Thanks for posting.

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Ah shucks! Thank you for caring. I've been withdrawn and distant (from her) for the months since February. Not "NC" but actually less than casually. I have the ability and oppertunity to see her almost any day I might choose. She works in a very busy public place and I can "drop by" anytime the urge strikes me. She has the ability, and is willing to spend impromptu time if I drop by. Sadly the urge hasn't struck me at the right time.


Often late in the evening I think about "dropping by" just to say hi and smile at her. Nothing more. By morning the urge has passed. Reading the last couple of posts has made me lonely for her. Likely that feeling will pass by morning too, but who knows eh?


Life otherwise is good, business is good even in this economy. I have no pressure on me whatsoever. I've have aquired a new (old) habit. I now spend an hour a night, directly before bedtime listening to music I love on my ancient (but fabulous) HiFi. Of course most of it is sappy romantic stuff, but what the heck, it's kind of like a vaccination. Listening, really listening to "those songs" knowing the lyrics, enjoying the music makes me feel good, not lonely. There is nothing like "The Music of Your Life" to keep your heart alive. And an added bonus, it's kinda a new hobby.


Back to the top. Yes a big reason for not visiting is that it hurts me. I'm not "right" for days, I'm loggy, and lonely and probably depressed although I refused to even consider the possibility of "depression", I call it "the blues" and there isn't much positive for me in feeling that way. I'm not jealous, or anxious. I'm certainly not impatient. I suppose I'd call it being "in neutral" if I had to put my feelings into a word or two. Still... There is always the hope that somehow, someway.... someday.


Thanks for posting.


are we singing from Westside Story now??? Streistand??



oh, Lakey

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Actually, tonights selection was Boston's debut album. Felt like rockin a bit !

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Actually, tonights selection was Boston's debut album. Felt like rockin a bit !



atta boy! Dave Matthews for me... nitey nite!

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Actually, tonights selection was Boston's debut album. Felt like rockin a bit !
Classic, classic, classic summer album.


So many people, have come and gone,

Their faces fade as the years go by,

Yet I still recall as I wander on

As clear as the sun in the summer sky.


*wail of Scholz's layered guitar tracks*

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*wail of Scholz's layered guitar tracks*

Lovingly laid down on Scotch 226 analog recording tape, biased just so...

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Actually, tonights selection was Boston's debut album. Felt like rockin a bit !
Then gorged on a bit of the silly, Aqualung. Satiated, I sleep.
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Lovingly laid down on Scotch 226 analog recording tape, biased just so...
In his own basement!! A talented, talented musician. :)
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Then gorged on a bit of the silly, Aqualung. Satiated, I sleep.


I LOVE Aqualung (the source of your avi :love:) but I have a live album of theirs that is just so much fun! I think I should dig it out and play it REALLY loudly now that H has finished setting up the music system (luckily our nearest neighbours are miles down the road, so no one around to complain).

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Full Of Hope

Well, I'll be looking in on you periodically hoping that "somehow, someway....someday" has happened for you. ;)

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In his own basement!! A talented, talented musician. :)

And engineer... Not sure which I admire more... ;)

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