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I am shaking,and afraid

Jade 02

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I hope just even putting this in here helps me. I just went TOTALLY BIZZERK on my hubby just a minute ago (hopefully soon to be EX!!!!!!!). He got so drunk yesterday,and I mean falling down drunk. When he fell each time,he blamed it on something that was in his way,and he would smash it,and break or throw it outside,slamming doors. Well my nerves cant take it NOMORE!!!


I swear I will get a huge knife if he doesnt get the f out of my house ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MY NERVES ARE SHOT!!!!! this is MY FLIPPING HOUSE!!!! ,He's NOT LEAVING RITE NOW!!!! I WANT HIM OUT!!!!! I WANT HIS ASS KICKED!!!!!!!!!! He is sitting there DRINKING FRIGGING BEER NOW,

So he will have the courage to hit me or do what he wants after a few more.


I WANT HIM OUT!!!!! I will call the law if he lays one lil finger on me,and I hate calling the law,but I WILL , I SWEAR I WILL!!! he dont believe I will call cuz he knows,Im not a cop caller. I WILL THO TODAY!!!!!!


Thank you,I feel a lil better

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I say go for it call the cops on his sorry @ss just make sure to follow thu. I know what your dealing with I'm living in a similar situation.


My advice ignore it as much as possible when he starts drinking go into your room and if you have to install locks the door good ones!


Or go stay at a friends or something for the night you can't argue with a drunk theres def NO winning in that situation or reasoning with them (hugs) to you hope all blowes over soon for you there :0)

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Jade.. You sound like you are on the edge here...


Have you looked into some shelters in your area ?

Please call the police the next time he breaks anything.. call them..

You need to get some help immediately.. What about family ?


Have you looked into getting a lawyer as to start divorce proceedings ?.. When you do file your attorney should be able to file a RO to have him removed from the house.


Keep posting...

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Thank you STM & AC

Ok he raised his hand,and he left before,i did call the law. He is gone,but now I am afraid to go to work tomorrow(fear of him stealing one of the cars drunk and they are in my name) fear of him tearing up my house.Fear of him being here drunk when I get home. Lots of fear here. I have been clean,and sober for 3 years(No program). I have a bunch of benzos I am trying so hard not to take(just to ease my nerves not get high)


Im trying to think of ANYONE that can stay here,and I can't think of anyone. AT least he is gone for now. I just am so confused,I don't know if I'm coming or going,But I do know I DO NOT WANT no drunk around. I have to see how I can get that RO AC,I will give a lawyer a call,because I do believe the first conversation is free. One step at a time=B-R-E-A-T-H.


Why do drunks have to get falling down drunk for no reason? He knows he has to work tomorrow,and will be fired if he don't show.

Why are my nerves all shot when he is sober,and ready to go into convulsions. I am so scared of everthing right now. My friends? None? there are no true ones out there. They all want or need(most people I know anyways)


my family is way up north. I can sell my lil house here,or rent it out. ARGGHHH NO BENZOS PLEASE!!!!!


Thank you,you 2

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I have been through this jade, you need to be strong right now and stay focused. If there are any local domestic violence shelters around call them first. They will be able to walk you through getting the RO, putting you in touch with legal aide, whatever you need, they are there to help.


If you own the house, you should have no problem getting him out.

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Thanks also Mel

Man! I feel so selfish crying on here,because I know there are others out there who are hurting too. I am sorry,and I hope we can all get threw these gut twisting problems.


The drunk is gone for now. I'm just so knotted up,and your right Mel I am trying to stay strong,and pray to my God that this will pass soon. ohhh hurry up!!! Mel you finally got rid of your drunk? I know it wasn't easy for you huh? Oh this stinks sooo bad,Im hanging in there for now,hoping my tummy quits turning.

What to do?What to do? K im going to take a hot hot shower. Thanks yall

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Ok,I'm doing a lil better now. He has took his clothes,and truck,and now I know I am free from the stress from a daily and nightly falling down drunk.

Yayyyyyyy I did not even take any pills(that was my Gods work,not my work)(I'm too weak) LOL.

I can at least get a good nite sleep so I can get my poop in a group.

Thanks yall again.

He comes back 911 it will be.

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Ok,I'm doing a lil better now. He has took his clothes,and truck,and now I know I am free from the stress from a daily and nightly falling down drunk.

Yayyyyyyy I did not even take any pills(that was my Gods work,not my work)(I'm too weak) LOL.

I can at least get a good nite sleep so I can get my poop in a group.

Thanks yall again.

He comes back 911 it will be.


Get those locks changed...TODAY...


Any credit cards or bank accounts in both your names...or that he has access to?


Good luck, Jade

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Love the swansong

Well he left,and one day I left for work a little late,and geez I looked on the other side of the road,and there is the soon to be EX HUB,driving DRUNK towards my house. I was like WTF,that's not the way he goes to work,so I whipped my car around,and followed him to my house,and told him to GET THE **** outta here! YOU DO NOT LIVE HERE ANYMORE!!


He just plowed out of the truck with this female mutt,and said his truck is broke (driveshaft) I tried everything,and he would not leave. He is such a user,we haven't shared the same bed or room for 3 years. WHY WON'T THE BITCH LEAVE ME ALONE? MAMA'S BOY??? DRUNK!!!!

Can I get a restraining order on him,even if he did noting wrong to me? He did put holes in my house a while ago,and punched my chest over,and over(but no marks).


Thanks swan,I do have my own bank account,and we share one but, he,s the only one who puts cash in that bank account we share.


Gosh He is way older than I,and I think he should be man enuff to get out,and quit making me a freaking wreck. He just needs to leave but hes such a mama's boy (52 year old mamaboy drunk). All that booze a heart attack will probably follow,with his high BP.

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In my county in FL you have to have 3 documented incidents with police involvement before they issue a permanent restraining order, but you can get an emergency order of protection without much hassle...problem with that is it doesn't last very long and you do have to go to court to prove that you need a permanent restraining order.


Talk to a local domestic violence shelter, they should know more about the laws in your area. Stay strong, I know exactly how you feel. It sucks to be put in that position of being helpless and afraid.

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First of all, never feel guilty about "crying" on here or any support forum for that matter. It's what they're there for, and you need to take care of you. You deserve as much assistance and advice as anyone else.


But "not a cop caller"? I can understand what you mean by that, but likewise with this forum, it's what they're there for. It's just my fervent hope you don't get any corrupt ones. Sorry, I had to end the post with something negative or it just wouldn't be me.

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Thank you again BO,and Space marine.


Geez blind o I have to read more of your threads,so I can throw in some support for you also,but your never going to believe this. Hopefully soon to be ex hubby called me in his room this am(yep sleeping in seperated rooms for a long, long time now.) But he says to me! I stayed up all nite thinking(Oh by the way he has not drank hardly any booze at all this past week,just enough to keep from going into convulsions)and says I know I have caused you so much pain,and grief,and agravation. I have agreed to quit drinking.I know it will be so hard for him,But it sure will make my life a whole lot better.


Infact all week was pretty easy for me to deal with as he wasn't falling down,and smashing things,and cussing,and all that CRAP!! that comes with booze and people who can't handle it. My shakes have stopped. I know when a drunk says he/she is quitting,it is not a promise. I will be waiting for him to pick up th next drink tho in the back of my mind.

Ohhhh I hope,and pray he don't.


Man,It is going to be a real hard decission now (the RO). I did not threaten him or tell him to quit,or anything like that,this is HIS decission. I know our marriage is over,but something is telling me to help the poor guy now.

He will be needing Valium or something,I do have a couple of klonipins so he won't seize up on me. He has done that a few times when he is not drinking.


Anyways I want to thank you all for your replys,they are very important to me,makes me feel like people out there really do care. Space Marine,I didn't think your post was negative at all hun,and also thanks for making me feel welcomed.

Swansong even if I did change the locks,I'd be worrying all day at work(is he breaking in now?smashing windows?)And I also have a bank account in my name only.Hugzzzz


AC,thank you too,I read alot of your posts to othrers,and get alot out of them. Thanks for your time too. ohhh I know it aint over,but today went well finally I am not shaking FINALLY,and it feels good,Im not 100% relaxed but doing ok.


Mel and STM thank you both too,I will be reading and hoping things get better for us all. I hate to read when people are hurt so bad here,I feel all yalls pain.I guess we just hang in there,and do the best we can huh.

I'm here for anyone who needs a bud.eeee lol

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Wow that's a huge step. I think that he really needs to quit drinking under a doctor's supervision if he goes into seizures. That would be safer than doing this on his own.


I totally understand the desire to help them when they reach out, but make sure that you protect yourself.

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Oh Blind you are so right. I sat there tonight with him,and both of us totally sober,and I was so calm. I have been sober since Jan.2005,and clean well I had to take some pills a couple of times to stop shaking and worrying from the actions of the drunk here.


1st time in years I hav ever felt this calm. Oh I also made an appointment for some councling for myself,and if he wants extra help well then he needs to get off his duff,and go get it,and I'm not even going to worry if he is going to drink any more or not.


If he does,I'm just going to have to do the RO. It is hard though right now to turn my back on him,when he is asking for help. He has no money for a Dr so we have to do it this way. I keep an eye on him,h is doing ok with the klonipin (but I sure won't give him enough to gt addicted to them).


How are you doing Blind? Things going your way these days?

My appointment is wednesday.

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Ha,he is still not drinking,but sure is up,and down with his mood swings. Mostly been a grouch on the couch,and I exspect him to pick up a drink anyday now.

He still needs to fix his truck,and HIT IT!!!! We are through. I see no future.

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Then you need to get him out Jade


Come on you are stronger than this!


Get the drunk out and let him deal with his own life whilst you make yours better and fear free! Dont stick around for more beatings!

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