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3 year relationship


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I've been with this guy for 3 years & the past month has been hell.. he said he wanted space i gave him space.. we are down to hanging out 2 days a week.. he's constantly on his World Of Warcraft game... I Saw him last week on my birthday everything seemed fine.. & then friday we were supposed to hang out & he never called me so i didnt answer his texts all Sunday. I had asked him on Monday why he didnt call me - he claimed he was sick all weekend but common courtesy is to call and tell me your sick you cant hang out right? .. so then after we had talked about that he was on his one word answer bit ... & then today i had texted him offering to bring him lunch to work & he didnt answer... & then i sent him 2 fowards of valentines day texts & he told me to stop sending that crap .. And lastly i've sent him a text asking him what the hell his problem is and he hasnt even answered me.. I'm a nice person.. i do everything i can to make him happy.. what the heck is wrong here..


Also.. he never wants to talk about anything ever.. only time he wants to talk is in text messages & he isnt even doing that... I feel like i care more than him.. what am i doing wrong...

I feel like i'm respecting him & his space completely but yet nothing is working ..


We're supposed to go away this weekend to go see a concert.. looks like his computer wont be here will it.. but it shouldnt be that way.. & everyone knows he's with me.. his site says in a relationship & all.. he doesnt have many friends.. he has a temper too ..


Also if i try to talk to him in person he'll get irritated and ignore me if i want to talk to him about anything. I havent really put much into this because of how he's acting towards me i'm not texting/callin him all the time but i figured i'd send something to show i cared - and it backfired. He has all the space in the world.. is it true nice girls get taken for granet or is it the fac the's too immature for this? .. Last week when we were talking he wasnt happy with his job & he was talking to me about it on the phone & now he's all weird again.. i dont get it.. is it because i did what he did to me by ignoring his texts on Sunday & he's upset about it? i dont understand him..


I need all the help i can get with this..

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