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Hi, my problem is really wacked. im 18 years old and im totally in love with my man who is 22. we have been together for a little over 6 months. recently i found out that i was the other woman in a six year relationship. I told him it was her or me and he picked me so he broke up with her. but now shes phycho and hacking onto his aol account and messing with me under his name. she is constantly telling me they are still togther yet every waking moment he is with me. Shes crazy and i don't know how to get rid of her. on top of it all she is claiming to be pregnant. what should i do to rid me and my boy of her??? We both think she is claiming this to break us up. But even if she was we would deal with it cause we are strong together. we stick togther though everything.

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Hi, my problem is really wacked. im 18 years old and im totally in love with my man who is 22. we have been together for a little over 6 months. recently i found out that i was the other woman in a six year relationship. I told him it was her or me and he picked me so he broke up with her. but now shes phycho and hacking onto his aol account and messing with me under his name. she is constantly telling me they are still togther yet every waking moment he is with me. Shes crazy and i don't know how to get rid of her. on top of it all she is claiming to be pregnant. what should i do to rid me and my boy of her??? We both think she is claiming this to break us up. But even if she was we would deal with it cause we are strong together. we stick togther though everything.



It sounds as though maybe your bf should have a cup of coffee with this girl without you around and admit to her


that what he did was wrong, quite possibly he needs to ask her forgiveness and maybe in some ways she needs to hear that he is sorry for what he did. Please don't misunderstand what I am suggesting he do. I do not doubt that he loves you and that you love him, but if this break-up is fresh (within 6 months) she is going to be furious whatever the circumstances would have been for


their break-up she would be furious. Don't you think for one minute that she isn't all the more insulted because he left her for someone else. You know as well as I do what it feels like to be cheated on wether you deserve it or not.


And another hint - my mother always said to me


"if that is the way you got the man, that is how you will lose him " Mark my words, I think he is using you as a cover up to his cowardness. Why couldn't he break-up with her first and then pick up with you, I want you to really think about this, stand outside of yourself and make


believe that this situation is happening to someone you don't even know.

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Hi, my problem is really wacked. im 18 years old and im totally in love with my man who is 22. we have been together for a little over 6 months. recently i found out that i was the other woman in a six year relationship. I told him it was her or me and he picked me so he broke up with her. but now shes phycho and hacking onto his aol account and messing with me under his name. she is constantly telling me they are still togther yet every waking moment he is with me. Shes crazy and i don't know how to get rid of her. on top of it all she is claiming to be pregnant. what should i do to rid me and my boy of her??? We both think she is claiming this to break us up. But even if she was we would deal with it cause we are strong together. we stick togther though everything.




If the ex girlfriend is harrassing you, then it's up to your boyfriend to put a stop to it. He loves you, right. Then he would do anything in his power to protect you from being harrassed.

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You have a real problem. You have fallen in love with a two-timing liar who is not likely to change. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME." If you stay with the guy, you'll have to watch him like a hawk. He is obviously not trustworthy. If I were you, I would run as fast as I could.

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