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I Cant Stop Flirting

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I am a guy, n this is my story


I was broken up for over a year and a few months and I hated being single and was feeling so sad and depressed over the ex there were NO GIRLZ at all i was talking to except like one basically. I felt i waz in a world of hell!


Then true to the saying, When it rains, it pours, all the girls started to flood in at once.

Ive had enough girlfriends to know that love much more often than not comes with an expiration date!


So like know im giving off the impression to all these girlz that r interseted in me that i love them cuz i feel like i was in the desert and now Im in the refreshing rain if u know what IM SAYING!! so its easy to do this but not moral still but know i feel like morals are crap because they dont take into account the situation of what a man jus went through and I know ive been to hell and back and i deserve something.... But still i hate the fact that im cheating... Im torn slightly over this write me someone

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YOU WRITE: "So like know im giving off the impression to all these girlz that r interseted in me that i love them cuz i feel like i was in the desert and now Im in the refreshing rain if u know what IM SAYING!!"


No, I don't no what you're saying. Going without a girlfriend for over a year is NO excuse whatsoever to mislead women into believing you love them...and not telling them they are NOT the only one you are seeing.


If you are seeing a whole lot of gals, they have got to be pretty much stupid if they don't realize you're slinging your BS all around them.


There is never a good excuse for misleading any human being. You obviously know that or you wouldn't have written this post. It's bothering you and it will bother you a lot more if one of these ladies has a gun when she finds out about what you've been doing.


There is simply no way you can be getting your jollies off in a situation that will potentially break the hearts of many and give you such a reputation no woman in your town will get near you again.


One by one, you need to set things straight with these women and stop thinking you're entitled to lie to them all because of your pathetic past...a year or so without a date. That doesn't entitle you to go out and betray people, lie to them, and go out of your mind like a sex crazed demon.

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You are free to date and sleep with as many women as you want. It's a free country as long as you are responsible about it. You are NOT ALLOWED to lie to them! You need to be honest with all these women and tell them that you don't want to be exclusive, just yet. Go ahead, date around. You'll find one woman eventually that you will want to settle down with.


So, these women think you love them....did you actually say "I love you" to them? I hope not. Those words shouldn't be thrown around freely.

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Your overwhelming anger with lonely man syndrome is a load of crap. You know exactly what your doing. But, I'm confused you say. No your not your a player in disguise to even to your self. Your pain is being inflicted upon every female you encounter. To much cake and eating it to will get you into trouble. What happens when the next female is the slayer, Tells you what you need to hear, gives you the attention you so desire but hates lier's. Step on her oops your feeling really dumb. Quit trying to compare. Truly the only thing that really matters is you. Feel secure with yourself, and you shouldn't need these women to feel better. Something is missing inside yourself, that someone else will never be able to fill. If you can't fill it how could you expect someone else to? These women that your playing with, your playing with their hearts. Do you want them to become like you. Everyone is a teacher and a student. Everything in our heads is something that someone has taught us. Learning experience, body movement's, books, words. Your experience with these women is a training class. Theirs already to many players in this world. But hey whatever makes you happy right?

Tired of insecure story tellers

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dunno about u all, but if ur hateing so much tell me how long u have been single b4 u started tearing ur hair out of ur head

and if its more than a year and a half then okay i believe u otherwize its a load of crap yall are spewing

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Just A Girl2
dunno about u all, but if ur hateing so much tell me how long u have been single b4 u started tearing ur hair out of ur head

and if its more than a year and a half then okay i believe u otherwize its a load of crap yall are spewing


Get real. Being single for any length of time, whether it's 1 month or 5 yrs is no reason whatsoever to be a player, tell multiple women that you live them, and use them all for your own selfish pleasure.


Just because you're single, well..that's your problem, not theirs. The gals you're stringing along are human beings with feelings and hearts and think about it...how would feel if someone was jerking your around?


Don't even try to justify the way youre treating women here, cuz it's BS.

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I know, I am one of the most understanding and compassionate people, you will ever meet… but reading this story turns me crazy… WHO ARE YOU to treat ANYONE in this manner… if you had an ounce of an idea of what love truly meant you would NEVER lie like this to get girlies into your pants. You know there are a lot of girls who would sleep with you anyway if you where honest with them or paid them a few hundred! If you truly HAD been through hell and knew what a broken heart was you would never be doing this. You talk about being single for 1 year and a half… and we are all meant to feel sorry for you, and say its ok… is that right??? Well I know people who have never even dated anyone and they are well into their 30’s, no kiss nothing… yes imagine that!!! The mother of a friend of mine has not been with a man for 25 years since a man like you lied to her and broke her heart into millions of pieces leaving her pregnant and with nothing but a broken heart. The saddest thing is that you are perfectly aware of how wrong this is and you still do it.


Think about who you are really hurting! Remember, everything you do comes back 10 fold!

GORW UP!!! Be a MAN not a mouse!

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You have had some really good replies to your "dilema", and I, not having dated anyone in over 3 years, my choice by the way, I think I can reply to this. The reason why I haven't dated anyone in the past 3 years is because of men like you. No one wants to be used, and all you are doing is playing mind games with these women. Obviously you must have forgotten what it feels like to have your heart broken or how degrading it is to find out that you mean nothing to the person you have been dating. How can you be so cold and heartless? What have these women done to you to make you treat them with so little respect? It would be a good idea if you would give this some serious thought because you are going down the wrong path. Remember this one thing, treat others as you would want them to treat you. How would you feel if they were doing this to you?

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I dunno if anyone wants to hear what I have to say, im already dismissed to the point where i feel like im some stereotype has been placed on me, i feel like theres alot of assumptions already that are false. Just hearing some of the posts the attitude people have makes me afraid to even post ever again. But im not ashamed of who i am, i feel theres nothing to be ashamed about, i have no qualms about wanting to share my own thoughts.


I make alot of statements about who I am, internally, and when i voice them, Im just being honest.

For instance, ill say this about myself:


Ive never physically cheated on someone, although sometimes the thought excites me. Women excite me.


I think thats aperfectly reasonable thing to feel. Is it moral? Then all of a sudden its a whole different bag, and its now about whose morality, whose expectations, whose sense of ethics or guiding forces... And yet the fact remains, the previous statement is just something thats true about myself and probably alot of humans.


Is that all there is to me? No of course not,


I cant stand the idea of cheating. I cant stand the idea of someone's heart breaking. Does this conflict with previous statement? Saying this conflicts presumes that humans work on an entirely logical level, and I dont think thats true at all. We can believe in alot of things that entirely contradict another belief we have yet somehow we merge them and live with it. Thats because humans are human, and not robots. Ill be back, dont have time to finish this post

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I am disgusted at this. You, "Stupid" cam here for help and all you have gotten is abuse. I, however, sympathize with you. I seem to have the same problem with flirting, although not quite to that extent or for those reasons. However, there are several girls that I know like me.

One of these girls has been in love with me since we were both 8, or thereabouts. She told me once that she could never date me...we were too close as friends, or something like that. Anyway, apparently she changed her mind about that about the same time I got a girlfriend. She started asking me questions along the lines of, "do you like me?" I was put in an awkward posistion, so I simply said, "This conversation would go differently if I didn't have a girlfriend." She was devastated.

I don't want to say I intentionally lead her on. However, with my compulsive flirting habits, I probably did without meaning to. I'm now trying to figure out a "moral of the story" kind of summary to help you out a little. I'm just trying to let you know there is someone out there who sympathizes for you. My advice to you is to casually let all your girls know what you've been doing, but go about it in such a way that they don't kill you or themselves. It's a horrible position to be in, I know, but you have to get out of it sooner or later.

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