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Friendly chill, or date?


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I asked a girl (an old friend's sister) that I've been texting with a couple of weeks to meet for a symphony on Valentines, and to go for dinner afterwards, to which she agreed. I say it in those words because I didn't use the word "date" and didn't think I needed to. It's only me and her.


She says things sometimes that make me think she's maintaining a distance, though. For instance, I said the other day "two nerds going to a symphony" as a joke (because her contacts are bothering her and will have to wear glasses) after which she replied that that's silly it is "two friends going to a symphony", noting her disdain for the stereotype. Subtle, yes, and maybe nothing. I can't tell if she's literally looking at this as a valentine excursion among two singles or as a first date -- is there a rule of thumb for this or a way you can feel someone out in this case?


Thank ya

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If you've been texting for a few weeks and now you're meeting up just the two of you on v-day, she would be a moron not to see it as a date. just treat it like a date and you'll be able to tell if she's not into it. relax and have fun. her body language will give everything away. pay attention.

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Kick ass, thanks d00d. B)


Welcome. Pay attention to whether she leans in or leans back when you talk. How close does she stand? When you sit down next to each other is she leaned slightly in or out? Do her legs cross towards or away from you. How does she react to your touch? (small of back, hands brush, etc.) If she seems to not notice or not mind that you two end up touching, that's good.


Ultimately, you just have to go for the hand-hold at some point, but start small. Hand on the small of the back, just for a moment, when you guide her through a door after opening it. When you lead her through a crowd, grab her hand, and notice the way she holds yours. Don't be afraid to let her hand drop and go back for it later. Two steps forward, one step back, you don't want her on the defensive.


At some point during the show, go for the full-on hand hold. If she lets you hold her hand, she will most likely let you kiss her.


Stay confident, even, and relaxed, and she will feed off of this energy and be in the same state.


Enjoy! ;)

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