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Shall we pray for the enemy???

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Hey everyone...I was praying last night over a few things on my mind...(don't we all have them weighing)! and I felt a desire to pray for Satan??? How sad of a life he must truly lead...Is this wierd to any of you??? I wondered what would happen if all believers began to fervently pray for recapturing his soul to the works of the Holy Spirit??? I just felt very compelled to do so...I dunno...

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Hey everyone...I was praying last night over a few things on my mind...(don't we all have them weighing)! and I felt a desire to pray for Satan??? How sad of a life he must truly lead...Is this wierd to any of you??? I wondered what would happen if all believers began to fervently pray for recapturing his soul to the works of the Holy Spirit??? I just felt very compelled to do so...I dunno...


When I pray, I pray for the "good" and the "evil". By evil, I mean people who are cruel and without conscience.


Prayer is a very personal, private part of my life. I pray for the entire world and for specific people and animals in my life.


I don't think it's "weird" that you prayed for Satan. To each her own.

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There's need for 'evil', so that there can be 'good'. You need 'lows' to experience 'highs', without reference, there's no distinction between the two. It's not 'good' that draws most people towards religion, it's 'evil', fear, hurting. 'Good' is a promise, something we are yet to experience, heaven, that is made to people that experience pain now.


You better pray Satan stays evil for all eternity.

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There's need for 'evil', so that there can be 'good'. You need 'lows' to experience 'highs', without reference, there's no distinction between the two. It's not 'good' that draws most people towards religion, it's 'evil', fear, hurting. 'Good' is a promise, something we are yet to experience, heaven, that is made to people that experience pain now.


You better pray Satan stays evil for all eternity.


I disagree, but it depends on where we get the definition of good and evil. If you get the definition of good from God, and evil is simply not good or against God, then it is entirely possible for good to exist without evil. The bible says that once God's plan is fulfilled and Jesus returns to judge everything, there will be no more evil. Everything will be perfect.


As for praying for Satan, I'm not really sure. I mean the bible is clear that Satan isn't going to turn back. If we read in Revelation, he will be destroyed. Since we know God's will on this - the bible tells us - I don't think there is much point in asking God to do something else.

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Well it is all about Jesus Christ :) There certainly IS a lot about forgiveness though. Look I'm not saying that God WOULDN'T forgive Satan - I honestly don't know what would happen if changed his mind and gave up his rebellion and everything - but it does seem to be the case that he won't. Also we should notice that God is under no obligation to forgive Satan. Punishing him is the right and just thing to do.


I'm not really convinced that this is a very important issue though and the bible really doesn't seem to say much on the subject.

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