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A really good friend

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Ok so I have been friends with this girl lets call her Ashley. Well for me it was love at first sight but me being younger than her she was not in that. She was part of in crowd or whatever u want to call it. While I was a jock wrestled and ran track. So we ran with different crowds but we were friends on the outside of school. We went to church and our parents were friends so we hung out. Anyway, she graduated and went on with her life, she left and went to another state but one thing lead to another and she came home around prom time and I asked if she would go with me and she said yes. We went and had a great time, nothing happened. Well she got pregnant, not mine, i don't know the story because she doesn't want to go into it. Well I freaked because i thought i had lost her, because we had been spending so much time together before she had the baby, so i went and joined the military. Well i wound up getting discharged because i broke my foot and it didn't heal so i came home after 7 months. Well we kind of picked up where we left off, having coffee once or twice on a week and talking on the phone a lot, she did most of the calling. Well one night I went to see her at work and she asked if I wanted to get a house with her. When i asked her why me, she said because I was one of the only people she trusted. Well that fell through but now we are going to school together. And now we spend at least 2 days or so together like going to the mall or just hanging out with each other, we don't do anything. Her baby loves me, her family likes me and i guess she likes me because she calls me all the time and ask me to come over. I want a relationship with her which we basically have minus the physical part. i don't know what i should do, should i just keep being the friend or should i try to be the boyfriend? I love her so much and would do anything for her, I'm just lost.

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Ask her if she's ever thought about more than a friendship with you, and tell her you have thought about it, but you value her friendship more than anything. Be truthful in a subtle way. I think all signs point to something good here...she likes you.

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