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OK. This is a really stange situtation. You see i met this guy through a personal ad that was placed on the computer. Well we chatted for a little while on ICQ. We seemed to hit it off really well. Well last night he called me and we talked for like 5 hours. There is just something about him. He seemed to be a really sweet guy and a true romantic. I was utterly captivated by him. Well we decided to meet about 3:30 this morning(we were still on the phone). So we met. Everything seemed to change we just couldn't talk. I don't know what it is i acutally believed i had finally found my prince charming. We connected better than i have ever connected with anyone. Now i am just so confused. I don't know whether the reason we couldn't talk was just because our phone conversation was so intense(emotionally) or what. Please give me some kind of advice. Why? help me i'm in desperate need!



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Don't worry about it Princess.The guy was probably just burned out after talking for 5 hours. It's hard to keep that level of intensity up, especially at 3 a.m..



OK. This is a really stange situtation. You see i met this guy through a personal ad that was placed on the computer. Well we chatted for a little while on ICQ. We seemed to hit it off really well. Well last night he called me and we talked for like 5 hours. There is just something about him. He seemed to be a really sweet guy and a true romantic. I was utterly captivated by him. Well we decided to meet about 3:30 this morning(we were still on the phone). So we met. Everything seemed to change we just couldn't talk. I don't know what it is i acutally believed i had finally found my prince charming. We connected better than i have ever connected with anyone. Now i am just so confused. I don't know whether the reason we couldn't talk was just because our phone conversation was so intense(emotionally) or what. Please give me some kind of advice. Why? help me i'm in desperate need! Princess
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And just exactly how long did all of this take? It sounds like this is someone you just met and don't really know them all that well yet. It doesn't really matter if you talked for half of the time that you have known one another, it takes time to really understand how other people act and react.


Also, by meeting in person you took away one big factor of everything else: fantasy. On the Internet or even on the phone, it's still not quite reality. You have a degree of distance that is filled in with the imagination. Perhaps the realism of the whole situation put some shock into you both.


Hopefully that will subside, or there are more notable problems here.

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Hello Princess!


There is nothing wrong with what you did or how you handled it! I agree whole heartedly with landon! LOL the poor guy was probably burnt out! If the phone conversation went well then you have no reason to believe that anything is wrong or went wrong.There are a couple things that could explain his behaviour! Maybe he was tired, as stated, maybe he was a tad confused, perhaps he was just reflective! Maybe he just didn't know what TO say to you!!! Its a lot differant talking on the phone than talking in ICQ! It makes the person more real when you can hear his/her voice!


But I guarentee you one thing, that in 2 days when you go to talk to him on ICQ again, everything will be fine and go smoothly! :)


Dani G

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