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Any advice?


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Ok - here is my story - just wondering if anyone has any advice. I'm 20 and I've been seeing the same guy on and off for about a year. We both consider each other to be best friends as well as intimate partners. I last saw him 2 weeks ago & we were intimate - since then I've found it hard to talk to him & I haven't seen him - is it worth confronting whatever issue is clearly bothering him or is it easier to just let him go?

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Ok - here is my story - just wondering if anyone has any advice. I'm 20 and I've been seeing the same guy on and off for about a year. We both consider each other to be best friends as well as intimate partners. I last saw him 2 weeks ago & we were intimate - since then I've found it hard to talk to him & I haven't seen him - is it worth confronting whatever issue is clearly bothering him or is it easier to just let him go?


Hi! Yes it is worth confronting. Best friends talk to each other and help each other with their problems. If you are mad at him, let him know. If you're worried about him, you should also let him know, so he knows that you care. Okay, but first you have to ask yourself if you care. If you do, then you have know choice but to confront him.

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