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Mary Shadows

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Is having a gorgeous face, or body more important to men? Also, what does breast size matter in terms of a relationship?

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Breast size I could not care less about.

Now, face or body? You know, it depends. I like different types of faces as well as bodies.


I don't think it is so simple.


But I'm thinking I'm choosing face over body, because that is what I notice first.

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Is having a gorgeous face, or body more important to men? Also, what does breast size matter in terms of a relationship?


Eyes? 10+

Smile 10 ++

Gorgeous face 10 +++

Attitude 10 ++++++++++++++++++

Perspective? 10 +++++++++++++++++++

Weight? Height\weight proportionate?

Breast size? Yawn!


The woman I tend to like to date has a healthy attitude about herself, isn't obssed about her apperance, (worse than some, better than most), doesn't want a "boob" job, and has confidence in herself! Doesn't need constant reassurance about their apperance. I would never date a "ten" (too much maintenance)


I like the "self-supporting-don't need a man, but like and want a man type" Nurses, teachers, the type that join the military. The ones that take charge and take responsibily for their lives!


The type that are an asset and not a liability! :cool:

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Seaman Staines
Eyes? 10+

Smile 10 ++

Gorgeous face 10 +++

Attitude 10 ++++++++++++++++++

Perspective? 10 +++++++++++++++++++

Weight? Height\weight proportionate?

Breast size? Yawn!

Very good analysis. This is why it's no use wearing a padded bra with sunglasses.

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breast size isn't a deciding factor for me in terms of relationships, but i do loooove big boobs. i'd say face is more important than body, but a killer body can make up for a lot...

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I'm never attracted to one specific type of girl, if I find a girl attractive that's only a stepping stone, to me if a girl has what I deem as a nice personality, or character then naturally I will find them to be beautiful.

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If they had been removed and your clothing style made you look hollow or beyond flat, or if they are enhanced beyond human norms it might stop me from making first contact. But if I had made contact then accept that it really doesn't matter, at least to me.

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Now, I for sure thought that there was going to be a lot of men who said they love the skinny nicole richie types, big boobs, girls with tan skin, and that california girl look. Suprising, but good!!

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Now, I for sure thought that there was going to be a lot of men who said they love the skinny nicole richie types, big boobs, girls with tan skin, and that california girl look. Suprising, but good!!


We're not all that shallow, nor do we all loook for the same things in a woman.


I'm in my second marriage. My wife is the polar opposite of the ex in almost every way -- exotic looking rather than classically beautiful, tall (5'8") rather than short (5'4"), slender rather than curvaceous, small breated rather than amply so. But those are just the physical differences.


My wife is also self-sufficient rather than clingy, worked all her life rather than being a passive dependent, has her own pension and benefits rather than having to rely on others', is very open and accepting rather than being superor and judgemental, is genuinely kind rather than manipulative -- I think you get the picture.


No one size (breast or otherwise) fits all, even for us individually it would seem. It's more the person inside than the outer wrappings that are important. Character is what count, and lasts, in the end.


By the way, I'm a native Californian who grew up at the beach. Tans are nice but unhealthy (I'm paying for mine now) and I prefer small breasts to large. :cool:


As always, just one man's opinion! ones.

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i like cute smile nice teeth and eyes, nice long hair, 5"10. boobs medium, tight ass and long legs, slim/ not fussed bout tan. nice voice helps to. how many girls have you met that look amazing and then they go and open there mouth .....

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i like cute smile nice teeth and eyes, nice long hair, 5"10. boobs medium, tight ass and long legs, slim/ not fussed bout tan. nice voice helps to. how many girls have you met that look amazing and then they go and open there mouth .....


OMAGAD... I listened to the link for approx.. 5 min. and still he wasn't finished with his baloney and I still don't know what his message was.. :rolleyes:

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face over body, since thats what I'll spend the majority of the time looking at.. especially the eyes! Typically, big boobs are fun to look at, but all those girls are stuck up and just plain annoying.


As far as a relationship is concerned and how I rate things: Personality, face, body, breasts. Too many of the greatest looking females out there know it and let that run their behavior.

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As far as a relationship is concerned and how I rate things: Personality, face, body, breasts. Too many of the greatest looking females out there know it and let that run their behavior.


That's the same for me. Though before anything I'll notice a girl's face first and her smile. It's true smiles make people appear more attractive than those that don't.

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