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Do I tell him?

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Here's a little background -


I had worked with this guy for 5 years or so. We had also gone to High School together. We were always pretty friendly with each other, which came across as flirting to everybody else. All of our coworkers thought we had a thing for each other, but I just didn't think of him in that way. I always thought of him as more of a brother type than anything. One day, he quits, and I never really thought about him much after he did. Then came the day I got fired. He showed up at my house a few days later, and we hung out for a bit, just chatting and what not. He goes to leave, and we hug each other. And then out of nowhere, he kisses me. After a bit of fooling around, he had to leave, and we never really ran in to each other again. Until just a few days ago at the store. Now all of the sudden lately, I have been thinking about him for some reason. I don't know why, after all these years, these feelings have come up. Should I do something about them? I'm afraid I'll regret not saying anything to him at all, but I'm just too nervous to. Does this all just sound too weird? Any suggestions as to what to do? Or do I totally just need to get over it?


Thanks in advance. :)

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