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runnin the same old ground

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hey how goes,


im going to try to sum this up kinda quick. Been friends with a girl for a year. We met and dated, then she drops me. we stay friends. for the past 9 months or so, we occasionally kiss and have moments of connection. all the othere times she backs off, and gives me the same excuse of "you're too sensitive"

maybe a year ago when i was going through hard times, but ive changed. im more positive and opptomistic on life. i feel as though nothing cant bring me down.


my question is, what the hell is up with her??? why do things keep repeating, ive even mentioned it to her and she just agrees.


i really like her and would like to date her, but im even getting tired of the friendship because we keep doing this. i wish at times that she would stop flirting with me. every time i back off or do my own thing and ignore her, it ends up attracting her so she trys to play stupid games, which im over. any advice.

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i really like her and would like to date her


But remember, she dropped you once before, so it's likely that if you do get it together again, history may repeat itself in that respect...


Which reminds me of an old (and truthful) saying: "Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me!"


Seems to me as though she enjoys the thrill of the chase more than a relationship...

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Blue Eyed Brain

You need to severe the relationship/friendship. It sounds like she likes you but as a B not an A person. (Meaning: you are low on her ladder).


If this is not what you want, then you need to break it off with her and move on. She may try to connect, but don't. You'll be better off.

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