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Seems like everyone is taken?


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Do you find that any new person you meet is inevitably in a relationship?


Is their some type of vibe people put out that gets them in situations like this...where they only ever end up encountering people already in relationships. Instead of meeting people who are single and looking

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Blue Eyed Brain

Some people think a "vibe" is the culprit. If we have an off view of ourselves the wrong people will be attracted to us.


I don't know if that is true or not - maybe you are going through a phase.


Just note: Everything is temporary..... this too, shall pass.

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Try living in Alaska, where men outnumber women 2 to 1.


The ladies here have a saying "The odds are good, but the goods are odd."


For my part, I knew the girl I wanted, waited in the wings until she broke up with her boyfriend, and then pounced before anyone else could. Worked out great for me. The catch is not to get too close while they're still in a relationship, or you'll find yourself locked into the friend classification forever.


Best of luck.

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The catch is not to get too close while they're still in a relationship, or you'll find yourself locked into the friend classification forever.


This is definitely a risk, but experience has taught some honesty mixed with distance and respect can go a long way to making a memorable impression.


To the OP, I wouldn't be so concerned about others relationship status (beyond being unmarried), rather more if you enjoy their company and vice-versa. Remember, women are master networkers and a valued male friend can often get "introduced".


I had a lot of female friends before getting married in my early 40's (platonic friends) and found them to be some of the most positive influences I ever had.


BTW, go to Eastern Europe and I'll guarantee you that you'll have plenty of female attention LOL...

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