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Can anyone help? I've been seeing my girlfriend now for the last five months. I get on really well with her family and she gets on really well with mine. Everything was going great at the beginning of the relationship and she still thinks they are. However,now I am begining to notice major differences between which I never mention or show because i'm just too damn nice. I've decided that i'd like to end the relationship but because she hasn't done anything wrong (just things I've noticed about her i don't like), and she is really clingy and insecure I don't know how to tell her. It sounds stupid and all but i don't want to end the friendship with her, just the relationship. Please, can anyone help. I'm totally lost for a solution

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Can anyone help? I've been seeing my girlfriend now for the last five months. I get on really well with her family and she gets on really well with mine. Everything was going great at the beginning of the relationship and she still thinks they are. However,now I am begining to notice major differences between which I never mention or show because i'm just too damn nice. I've decided that i'd like to end the relationship but because she hasn't done anything wrong (just things I've noticed about her i don't like), and she is really clingy and insecure I don't know how to tell her. It sounds stupid and all but i don't want to end the friendship with her, just the relationship. Please, can anyone help. I'm totally lost for a solution



It's very considerate of you not to want to hurt her feelings. It shows you care. But if you don't tell her, and just continue to stay with her, you will start to resent her, and you don't want that to happen. If you want to be her friend, then do what a friend would do. Talk to her about it. Okay, I know, you want to know exactly what to say, right? Here are some suggestions. Tell her that you've enjoyed being with her these last few month's and that you're glad that she's a part of your life. Then tell her that she deserves more than you can offer as far as love. Then tell her that you want to be her friend, but the feelings of love just aren't there for you. Tell her that you want her to be happy, and that she deserves someone who can offer her true love. Don't tell her the things you don't like about her, just tell her that you won't be able to love her the way she deserves to be loved.

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