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Last night I had an argument with my boyfriend. He has a problem doing things. He has a car, I mean a nice car but does not do any maintenance on it. He has some speakers in his car; I feel he cares more about those speakers than about getting the maintenance done on his car. Last night, I told him he needs to get new tires. He is riding on very worn tires, I mean they are so worn you can see the wire. He has been riding on these tires for at least 3 months. Everytime I ride with him I tell. So last night he got really upset trying to hurt me and him. He started speeding and driving really crazy. He told me why do you constantly tell me this? I told him because if I don't you won't do it. What should I do about this situation? Should I just leave it alone and see if he does it or keep bugging him about it until he does it?

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Last night I had an argument with my boyfriend. He has a problem doing things. He has a car, I mean a nice car but does not do any maintenance on it. He has some speakers in his car; I feel he cares more about those speakers than about getting the maintenance done on his car. Last night, I told him he needs to get new tires. He is riding on very worn tires, I mean they are so worn you can see the wire. He has been riding on these tires for at least 3 months. Everytime I ride with him I tell. So last night he got really upset trying to hurt me and him. He started speeding and driving really crazy. He told me why do you constantly tell me this? I told him because if I don't you won't do it. What should I do about this situation? Should I just leave it alone and see if he does it or keep bugging him about it until he does it?




You should just let it be. He just gets angrier every time you mention it. If you feel unsafe when you ride with him, then don't ride with him. He'll get things fixed once they break down.

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